One to One Basic Tutorial

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

My responsibility is to share with newbie what to write and how to write. Today @meizankhan contacted me and we had a tea at one of the coffee shop in town.


Explain to him about how to write and what to write. He as a member of #steemit for almost 3 weeks but still have not started his first post yet.

Explained to him what he should write in his first introduceyourself post. How to tag and what to tag, how to attach pictures, how to upload videos, when to upvote, what is resteem and how to resteem, where to check your steem power and how to increase, what is curation and how to make your text in italic, bold and bold italic.

I personally learn a lot from @meetup with other @steemians and I’m still never stop learning new things under any circumstances. I also encourage @meizankhan try to make himself available for the next @meetup sessions. The reason is to engage with others and learn from others as well.

Hopefully my explanation is clear enough for you and can’t wait for your first post @meizankhan.


Good lesson

I want to be your student sign me up

Nice work

Voted following your good work and tutorials

Hello there @flysky. We can share our experience together. Followed you

Thanks nicky. Learn a lot. In fact just done my draft. Can’t wait post it 😁

Can’t wait for your first post too

i manage to convince 3 of my friend to register and start using steemit, but until now not even 1 of them post anything, every time i ask them why they just say they dont have time to write or post anything, so i just gave up on them T.T

Hi @kennethtks. Try to engage with them and encourage them to post especially their first intro

Good job there @nickychu! Now that you have given @meizankhan one-to-one basic tutorial, I am looking forward to read his 1st post on steemit!

I can’t wait to read his first introduction post too

Hallo welcome meizan

Awaiting for his first post

Welldone @nickychu. Continue to build others. Indirectly your building yourself too. Bravo

You are right bro. I’m still learning anyway.

Good effort @nickychu. Cheers

Trying my best bro

It's the best way to learn on your side.

Good teacher. :)

Trying my best to share what I’ve learned

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