WHATIF Challenge - Post # 7 - What if Adele transforms into a parking attendant?

in #teammalaysia7 years ago

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, a British singer and songwriter who marked the history of the Billboard Hot 100 to have 3 simultaneous top 10 singles, 2 albums in the top five of the Billboard 200 and 2 singles in the top five of the Billboard Hot 100. The debut album "21" also recorded as the longest-running number 1 album in UK and US album charts. What if Adele transforms into a parking attendant?

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins,出道于英国的歌手兼词曲创作者。她的唱片战绩辉煌,(a) 同时间有3首前十名的单曲进入Billboard Hot 100,(b) 2张前五名的专辑同时进入Billboard 200,(b) 2张前五名的单曲同时进入Billboard Hot 100。号称“21”的专辑也缔造了英国和美国排行榜中为期最长的记录。假如 Adele 变身为停车服务员又会是怎样的局面呢?

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If Adele starts her first working day in Malaysia, she could be truly amazed yet helpless with local drivers' parking skill. It is common to notice vehicles that stopped at the roadside after traffic light, vehicles that parked at both side lanes which turn 3 lanes into a single lane, as well as illegal parking in front of any shop. Malaysian drivers never lack of imagination into putting their own convenience into other inconvenience.

如果 Adele 在马来西亚开始第一个工作日,她可能会打从心底里佩服但又爱莫能助。这里的司机早就习以为然地把车停在交通灯之后的路边,双边车道,任何商店前违规泊车。他们通常只为了方便自己而为难他人。

Subsequently, Adele may face tougher challenge in prohibiting vehicles to park inside the yellow box. Regardless it is permissible or not, some drivers will try their best of luck to book a spot within the yellow box especially during peak hour or before the traffic light turned red. This definitely worsen the traffic congestion as it blocked the driveway to and from other directions. She must be wondering If priviledge passes are available to be purchased to occupy these "private car park".

不止如此,Adele 可能会面临更严峻的挑战。大家都知道在黄线禁区内是严禁停放车辆🚗的,但还是有一些害群之马喜欢堵住路口而造成交通动弹不得。Adele 万万想不到某些人似乎有特权霸占这些黄线禁区充当成“私人停车位”。

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Worst still, the world is never lack of talented drivers who never failed in nurturing their creativity to turn emergency lane into long distance car park lane. Everyone aware that own selfishness will not help in relieving the traffic congestion but the bad practice still never stop.


Back to Adele's story, definitely she could not improve the situation and therefore resigned. Do you think you can carry out better job as a considerable driver?

再回到 Adele 的故事,她应该无法改变局面而引咎辞职。话说回来,你认为可以比别人做得更好吗?

**WHATIF Challenge** is meant to cultivate your wildest imagination to anything in life. It could be current affairs, fairy tales, and etc.

Post # 1 - What if Spiderman resides in Malaysia?
Post # 2 - What if Wonder Woman is a school teacher?
Post # 3 - What if Hulk migrated to African countries?
Post # 4 - What if Jay Chou and Lee Chong Wei are football players?
Post # 5 - What if Song Joong-Ki doesn't use mobile phone?
Post # 6 - What if Kim Soo-Hyun creating considerate smoking awareness?

Let's have fun with a weekly predefined topic. Why not start WHATIF Challenge Round 1 with Celebrities? Join the challenge here.

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