in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Hello to all the Steemians. God bless you all. And I hope everything is running smoothly and fine. Before I proceed further I would like to introduce to you my avatar photo.

Today I am not going to talk about avatar. Maybe next time. Ok let me share with you my latest photos. And try to guess my age if possible.

This is my latest photo taken 2 days ago. Can you guess my age ? If you do not know me you won't be able to know how old I am. Even my boss who came to know me last year can't guess my age. When my boss came to know my age she was amazed how come I look young. Even my pupils don't believes that I am going to retire. 

This is my retirement photo. On my right is my big boss.

I would like to share with you some tips on how to maintain youthful looks and weight. 

I do not apply any cosmetic or makeup on my face because my skin is very sensitive and not suitable for any makeup except put on abit of lipstick. I prefer natural looks.

Tips on maintaining youthful looks and weight.

TIP 1.....

Early in the morning when you woke up drink 1 cup of lukewarm plain water before you eat anything.


Drinking plain water on empty stomach once you woke up is very important for bowel movements. Water helps to excrete out waste products and toxins from your body. Toxins and waste product if not excreted out were enter into the bloodstreams. And in the long term it will poison your body.

TIP 2.....

Eat lots of fresh fruits on empty stomach when you woke up in the morning. Everyday different fruits. Do not eat fruits after meal. Always eat fruit before meal. Fruits are easily digested. Fruits contains lots of vitamins and minerals. If you want to have nice skin complexion eat plenty of fruits. 

Everyday on empty stomach early in the morning I ate an apple a day. Do you know that when you eat apple do eat the apple skin also. Because the apple skin contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Do clean the apple properly before you eat the apple skin.


I also drink lemon juice mix with honey once I woke up early in the morning. Lemon juice eventhough taste sour but do you know that lemon juice when enter into our body automatically change to alkaline. Alkaline body is good because it slow down ageing process. And do you know that cancerous cell cannot survive in alkaline body but can survive in acidic body. Honey is good for blood circulation beside other benefits. Lemon juice is very good for skin complexion. If you want to have radiant facial complexion take lemon juice everyday early in the morning. But if you have gastritis problem don't take lemon juice on empty stomach. Take after you have consumed your food. 

Thank God I do not have any health problems. Thank the Lord Jesus for blessing my health.

TIP 3.....


Do you know that chia seeds are very rich in calcium and omega6. I drink chia seeds water everyday. Chia seeds also make the skin complexion radiants.

TIP 4....

This is not drugs or medicine. It is vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 helps to repair nerve. Do you know that our nerve can get damage. Nerve are like cable. Different nerve join to different parts of the body. You need this food supplement to strengthen your nerve. 

Besides taking fruits everyday I do take other food supplement too. You need to have a knowledge in food supplements before you take it. Do not overtake. You need to know the dosage. Besides taking vitamin B12 , I also take other types of food supplements such as :

Vitamin C helps to repair body cells and tissues. The cells in our body need repairing so that it won't form abnormal cells. Abnormal cells can lead to tumor or cancerous cells. I took vitmain C 4000mg per day . Vitamin C can only be in your body for 4 hrs. Excess of vitamin C were be pass out from your body through the urine.  Vitamin C helps to promote nice skin complexion. For adults and elderly you need 4000 mg of vitamin C per day. Normally I take 2000mg in the morning and 2000 mg before bedtime. 

Calcium and magnesium plays a very important role in making the bone stronger. But do remember that when you take calcium you need also magnesium. Because magnesium together with vitamin C helps in better absorption of calcium into the bone. If you take calcium alone without taking magnesium only 20% will be absorped into the bone. And 80% of the calcium which was not absorbed into the bone were form plague at the blood arteries. In the long term it will form toxic in the bloodstream. I normally take calcium together with magnesium before bedtime. Once a day only.

Vitamin E is very good for skin complexion. Not only that vitamin E helps to thin the blood. So as a result no forming of blood clots. I took 400mg of vitamin E  per day. 400 mg is the maximum dosage per day. If you take more than that it will be pass out from your body through the urine. For those going for surgery do not take vitamin E on that day because Vitamin E thin the blood.

This is my homemade fiber drink. I take fiber drink twice a week. Our body needs fiber to prevent constipation. Lemon vegetables fiber drinks helps to detoxify your body. Fiber drink also helps to promote good skin complexion. It helps to slowdown ageing process. As a result you were have a youthful looks.

I take all this food supplements after meal. All this food supplement, fruits and fiber drinks promote radiant and youthful looks. It also helps in weight management. 

TIP 5....

If you want to maintain your weight go for balance diet. Don't eat too much rice. Rice is the culprit.

I will eat fruits before any meal. After taking fruits I will go for my 2 in 1 meal. That's breakfast and lunch.

This is my homecook 5 in 1 porridge. ( Chicken meat + gizzard + liver + peanut + corn ).

TIP 6.....

Do not consume too much of fried and oily stuff. 

TIP 7....

Mix with people who have a sense of humor. People who have a sense of humor were make you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. My circle of friends are those who have a sense of humor. Stay far away for negative people who like to confess negative words. These type of people are toxic humans.

TIP 8...

Apply God's words into our life. As Christian I belief that our body is the temple of the  Holy Spirit. God's Spirit dwelt in our body. Therefore we have to take proper care of our body.

TIP 9.....

Exercise your body. So that you were have a fit , strong and healthy body.

TIP 10......

Enough of rest is also very important. Do you know that when you rest you are giving your body the opportunity to heal by itself. When you rest, your body cells can get repaired.

My priorities in life - 

1. God come first. As a Christian I belief that when I have Jesus in my lives I have everything. Through HIS blessing I am able to continue this journey with healthy body.

2. Health - If you got good health you can earn your income. But if you don't have good health, you got lots of money you are not happy. All the money were be used up on paying medical fees and medicine.  Money spend on food supplements and fruits are far better than spending on medicine. Because too much of medication were have an effect on you liver. Your liver were be overload. 

3. Wealth - Money is not everything but money is important. If no money also can't survive. So with healthy body you can accumulate your wealth.

Do refer to my previous post about money is not everything by click on this link below :

If you want to know how to write a blog do click on this link below:

Remember to continue to stay healthy by eating fruits, drink enough water , exercise , have enough rest and healthy lifestyle. 

Lastly but not least " PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE ".


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No way!! I know what the Malaysian civil servant retirement age is. But for the sake of everyone else and to keep them guessing, Im not gonna say a thing!!

But i'll say this: You DO NOT look your age!!

The tips you gave are kind of what my mom have been advising me since i was a young boy, I should have listened to her. And while im on it i'm telling my Significant Other to start following these tips too.

I wish you a happy happy post-retirement life and Blessings to you.

Is orite of not guessing my age bcos is not a life and death issue. By the way thanks 4 your compliments and wishes. God bless u.

Great one.. love this.. thanks for sharing..

Welcome. Is more blessed to share.

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