Everest Base camp Trek -Endurance

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

Hi Steemians,

Today I would like to share about preparation for trekking in Himalaya – Nepal
First of all, before you decide to go trekking in the Himalayas, you have to have the physical endurance and of course $$$. One of the most popular trekking in Nepal-Himalaya is Everest Base Camp Trek (EBC).

Everest base camp is located in the Khumbu himal, Everest region at the height of the 5380m it is the base camp where climbers (with permit) to climb Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse set their tents at the mountain foot or base camp. Due to the altitude climbers will take time to acclimatize and will stay longer at the base camp before the summit push. For trekkers only, they will be trekking to base camp the permit only allowed to reach the Base Camp entrance and not allowed into the area where the climbers camp site located. This takes 6 to 7 days to reach the base camp.

One of the questions frequently asked by my friends here in Sabah who interested to go trekking in Nepal is How long to reach the base camp? and How much is the expenses to trek EBC? But no one ever ask How to prepare trekking in the Himalayas, I mean the physical training preparation. Maybe they are familiar hiking around Sabah or climb Mount Kinabalu. But the trekking in the Himalayas is very different from hiking in Malaysia. Trekking in Himalayas we got to hike long about 5 to 6 hours per day and take days to reach the destination at a height of more than 3000m. EBC demands strong mental and physical fitness and determination.

Assume, you already have a basic physical strength but that this not enough if you want to trek in the Himalayas because you have to have the endurance, in terms of breathing, mental and physical. Aerobic exercise is important because you'll be trekking in the thin air, although its gradually walk up but the occurrence of change of height dramatically which is far from beyond the sea level. For this jogging or running is best too.

If your respiration aerobic conditioning good and enough training you will be able to have better oxygen metabolism, is not only good for the energy it also good for your leg muscles, and can reduce the potential to get mountain illness, namely acute mountain sickness (AMS). So recommended to do more aerobic exercise or jogging at least least 3 times a week for 3 months or more before leaving for Nepal. Beside that jogging, swimming or biking is also recommended as well. When i did my first snow mountain in the Himalaya I did a lot of hiking because the rate of my heartbeat is better and build my leg muscle. Walking up and down hill once a week for 2 hours with 8kg in my backpack it is proven to give me the overall body conditioning needed for trekking trips to altitude. Sometime i add in a range of other training such as climb the wall during the weekend to aid my success.

Even though you are in good physical condition as a whole you might not have the correct muscles conditioned, for the type of terrain you'll encounter trekking in the Himalayas you need to build muscle strength. Going to the gym is useful it is also important that you exercise the muscles because you will depend on it when you walk. Hiking the hills for at least two hours a day with the weight on your back is the best way to do this. Not only does it make you climb up the steep mountain trail easier and more fun, the most important is it will help with a long descent down the steep path.

Mental preparation is often neglected by many people who otherwise were prepared well in all areas. Although the trekking may require a lot of physical energy and surprises as the only way to see the remote parts of Nepal, Pay attention to the various parts of the body and conscious, let them rest. As you walk try to relax your body, especially your hips try to focus on the muscles in your hips, right where the leg meets the pelvic bone and try to tell you to swing away free as if they were a hinge. Most experience trekkers i met in Nepal they do practice Yoga it really help your body flexibility and if you are on the downhill trail, winding road, think every step as part of a simple dance and enjoy the nature terrain and your body can find with together. Think of the path as a river running and float along on that time, routes that take you where it will leave. Experiment with different ways of walking as a way of seeking pleasure beyond the goal of reaching the destination.

Actually trekking in the Himalayas is a relatively safe activity, accidents or problems occur usually small. However, there are some things that unpleasant can happen in a long journey you may face a light cough disease, headache and sleepless night because you walk to fast or too slow and you become tired. But with proper training you will easily overcome all problems.

Thats all for today till my next entry I will share the EBC trek Itinerary and cost.

Photo taken during my trekking into the Everest base camp. Stacked of mountain rock covered with Prayer flags this is the point where trekkers end their EBC trek also known the entrance gate into the Khumbu Icefall.

Me, myself and I in Everest base camp glacier. For those new in steemit and missed my first entry #introduceyourself please visit https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@kondoruk/introduceyourself-she-loves-the-mountains-and-photography-is-her-passion-and-interest

Image source https://www.shutterstock.com/g/kondoruk

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Hope someday i will be there..🙏

Thanks for dropping by. I believe you will have the chance. May God bless

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