3 Ways of Getting Out From The Comfort Zone

in #teammalaysia6 years ago


Getting off from our comfort zone is always a hard thing to do. This also happens to me all the time, and even now, I am still fighting with myself to step out from the zone from time to time. There is always a thinking right inside my head that what if the company I am working with now is gone and what will I be doing without this job? Am I able to recover as fast as possible before my back up fund get dried off? Am I able to earn as much as I am offered now? Am I capable to secure any good jobs and clients? The questions go on and on and this is what keeps me to continuously explore things that are outside of my comfort zone.

To be honest, I still feel uncomfortable when doing things that I am not familiar with and may get emotional when dealing with it at the very beginning. However, it always not as bad as it turned out to be after I tried a few times. Sometime, I may found out that things may not be what I intended to or I cannot cope with, then I will just put it aside and list it under KIV. I do have a long list of to-do stuffs that I want to achieve which I may not be able to get it done immediately. Therefore, to realize my dreams, risk has to be taken.

There is always two side of the coin whereby there are people who encouraged me to go for entrepreneurship while the other half would just say, stay employed and that is good enough. My personal take is of course, entrepreneurial is the best as I could design and plan what I want to do. Nonetheless, the other part of me would love to follow experienced and ambitious entrepreneurs as well to strive some jackpot too. So for me, I am always in a dilemma but to me, that is normal as I could see the pros and cons of both sides. Albeit being an employee, for the time being, I am moving towards to establishing my own business.

Back to the juice for this post which is 3 ways to step out from our comfort zone which I read about through an article from FastCompany in Wechat.

1 - Enjoy the process.

This is definitely a must or else no one can last until the end. For most of the time, we never know whether we will get a big fat fruit at the end of the day or a rotten one, but we still grind and hustle our way to the destination. That is the fun of stepping out from our comfort zone to the unknown. What we know is that those we admired had the skill that we are learning, but to be that good, it is always about the learning process. Plus, the process is a long way and it usually involves repetitive and dull routine to master something. That is why enjoy the process and reward ourselves during different milestones is a must, which is to keep us going.

2 - Do under a low risk environment,

Starting something that we are not familiar with is a big risk. That is why we felt uncomfortable and can’t find a starting point to start. Therefore, it is always feasible for us to try something in a low risk environment. As such, we can try something small and with very little to none budget, approach close friends and family members as customers, create a webpage for the product and try to market it, etc. All of these strategies can be done under very low risk, which means that even if it fails, I am still able to stand back up and try again.

3 - Have yourself all in.

I always have plans but most of them are not being executed. It is because there is always a reluctant me, being there to stop me. That is why I have to put my bet on the table to get myself moving. It is just the same as learning how to swim. Even though I was afraid of water last time, I still need to be in the water to learn how to swim. The same concept applies to step out from the comfort zone. It is about putting ourselves in the unknown water that we might be afraid and clueless about. So, when imagine when I am now in the water, I must be kicking and start trying to stay afloat. Without being in the water, I will never start to do those actions. Thus, I always make announcements on what I going to do and start something straight after that. At least, I have the community to ‘answer’ to which I will feel bad if I give everything up after all these efforts.

Well, there goes the 3 tips for stepping out from the comfort zone. Do you have your very own tips? Do share with me.

Source: Image 1

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The one constant in life is Change, so getting into the practice of taking 'change' and making 'change' simply makes us more equipped to enjoy life I think.

True, nothing stays constant and when we are in a stagnant mode, we are actually falling behind too. Learning on how to embrace the ‘change’.

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