That Virgin Post You Make Just To Get Attention

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

The format of this article is credited to @maverickfoo and to honour his sharings, I will start my very first post breaking in onto the Steemit platform by answering all the questions in accordance to this specific 5W1H layout.

Why - What's your purpose to be on Steemit? Why Steemit?
Who - Who are you? Who are you known as/for?
What - What inspires you? What do you represent?
Where - Where are you from? Where have you been?
When -When did any significant life events happened to you?
How - How did you get to where you are?

(Only because I'm good like that. )

What's your purpose to be on Steemit?

The Honest Truth

Earlier this year, I set an intention to be able to make money out of my passion. My passion is to write, to talk about stuffs that matters, to matter; as a human being, to contribute, and to actually make an income out of my contribution.

You might ask, 'So if you just want to contribute, why would you actually want to make money out of it?'

Well, just because I can?

Look, it will be great if I can. If there is a portal for it, fantastic. If I can be supported by the Universe while making my contribution during my time on Planet Earth, that will be the best ultimate outcome. It will definitely make my life easier while I give back.

Why Steemit?

Well, Steemit sounds like a perfect platform; one where you are supposed to literally see the return of your efforts, and hopefully give us a fair run for our money. So let's see. Your comments and thoughts are definitely welcomed.

Bet y'all got a lot to say too.

Who are you? Who are you known as/for?

Who am I? I think we all wonder about that question sometimes. If you haven't, then it's about time you do. Makes Life a little more interesting. Well, don't you know? You are a magnificent Being - having a human experience. Perhaps you just don't know it yet.

So the answer to the question of Who Am I?

Well, I am a magnificent Being too - perhaps, just a tad bit cooler. ;)

The Gift Of Cancer

Ok all seriousness, this human was given the blessing and the gift of a cancer called Acute Leukemia close to 4 years ago.

It's a blessing. My wake up call.

That's why I plan to live out the rest of my days being a totally cool-er magnificent being on this Earth, living Life as how it ought to be lived. Not like one of those zombies who eat, sleep, work, loo, and repeat.

(Oh, I forgot. That's the majority of most of us.)

"That" Kick Ass Cancer-Survivor Chick

I'd call myself that Kick Ass Cancer Survivor Chick - which I just did - although to be honest, I don't quite resonate with the title. I don't think cancer should be viewed in a way that you "beat" it. Also, I don't fancy being viewed as a 'chick'.

However, let's be realistic.

Since the public eye would have already viewed me as that anyway, I might as well just own it. Plus, we've all got to admit that the title sounds pretty aight' - in a cool sort of way.

The Nomad

I am also known for being a Nomad. I adapt, and I do constant change. I acknowledge that the ideas and things I agree to now might change in the future. I am not attached to them. I have a knack of having more than one love affair with a triad of interests at one time. I don't stick to one social group, and I don't see why I should. You either lead or you follow. I don't plan to do either, but I would prefer the former.

What inspires you? What do you represent?

If you can't already tell, I joke. I prefer straight talk as I do deep talks. I am interested in living the truths of Life. I've learnt to not live my Life to be liked by others, and neither should you. (That said, you are absolutely obligated to upvote this post.)

The Girly Girl in Pants

I am a girly girl, but I like my shirts and jeans. I don't see the need to have sparkly things (though I would just for the heck of it), nor do I have the need to have a say in everything.

The Masculine and The Feminine

I try as much as I can to exercise the invaluable masculine traits like honesty, strength and courage, and I represent both the masculine and timeless feminine energy by trying to balance both sides as much as I can. I need the masculine traits to speak my mind, and the feminine aspect to do what's right by me.

And if you can't already tell, I managed to survive leukemia too. Thank fuxks that was the time when the feminine trait of intuition worked when it needed to; when I managed to pull through a decision which saved my life.

So what inspires and fascinates me?
The beauty and fun of Life, and everything in it - the old, the new, the Becoming.

Including you.

Where are you from? Where have you been?

Where have I been? Well, Hell and back.

Maybe a little bit of Heaven on Earth.

Those experiences are pretty enough for a lifetime.


When did any significant life events happened to you?

I had an ephiphany that I was going to get either brain cancer or leukemia at age 11.

I got the latter a good 13 years later.


How did you get to where you are?

I was meant to be here. Otherwise, I wouldn't be.

However, it was with some intuition, a strong belief and conviction that I will survive, an unworldly determination, strength and courage and the will to live - that was what pulled me through.

Other than that, I laugh easily. It doesn't take much to put a smile on my face - really useful during really shitty times.

I can be quite childlike too. I go where the heart calls me. And if the decision turns out far less than I hope, or if I seemed to have made a wrong choice, I just switch up my route.

Who says we know everything? Well, I don't. The question is, how can you navigate Life in a way that works for you?

So would you help me make my human experience here even all the more better? What would you like to hear more of from this hooman? Would you like to hear more about her journey to recovery from leukemia? Let me know ! And if it's not too much to ask, give this abit of thumbs up so you can help kick this ass going, and if not, hey that's okay too. Peace out.

Credits to these funny images to who else? :)


Wow, you literally took all my questions and made it into a meme full Q&A!

Yes Mav, I just thought that it would be something fun to do. hahah

Fun it is! Looking forward to more stuff from you. Going anywhere for CNY?

Welcome to steem it

Welcome to Steemit! Love your intro! Would definitely love to hear your story...It is going to be highly entertaining and inspiring right? Have fun on Steemit and looking forward to meeting you soon in upcoming Team Malaysia meet ups! Upvoted!

Thanks so much Khim! Yes, would be so fun to be able to meet you in person - thanks for your upvote love!

Welcome @jassicania! Cant wait to meet you at the Potluck!! Sorry about the Zero upvote cause I guess we are still a newbie in Steemit so dont have much power yet! But I think all our TeamMalaysiaBabes (plus one SG cum Malaysian) are amazing ladies! You rock!

Hey dear, no problem hey :) Yes I can't wait to meet you too! Would be so fun :) Yes, don't we all rock?! See you soon!

Welcome to steemit girl! Got mix feeling reading ur post.. agree with u .. that strength and courage and the will to live can pull ownself to live at fullest!

Thanks so much dearie ! I appreciate you, and I love what you represent for on your blog!

Hi @jassicania. Oh behalf of #teammalaysia, we welcome to #steemit. Remember to give credit back to the source of images you have taken from. Probably you have a lot of questions about Steemit and the easiest way to get proper answer is from reading the Official website FAQ:

Your post creativity blow peoples mind!

Have fun exploring and posting your experiences in Steemit. Enjoy!

Hi there, thanks so much for your reminders! Appreciate that alot!

Welcome to steemit @jassicania. Cheers

Beautifully written ... I'm so looking forward in reading your future blogs. Welcome to steemit and great to have you onboard teammalaysia

Thanks soo much! You are really kind ! So good to have you guys supporting us !

Great writeup Jassica! Love what you have written. Voted for you but upvote...still waiting to be steemed up!

Aw thanks so much love. Gosh you're kind. No worries at all!

welcome to Steemit and look forward to your future blogs

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