Awesome Indonesian Food

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Hey guys, I haven't posted pics of food in awhile, so here it is!

Today's Hari Raya Haji, so my Indonesian part-time helper brought a lot of food for us, enough for lunch.

This is their lemang. It's basically rice cooked in a bamboo stick. It's basically sticky in texture.

This is the chicken curry, not the regular one. It's ayam masak lemak I think. It's pretty light in terms of its taste.

Chicken rendang! Definitely my favorite way of cooking a chicken, apart from deep fried or butter milk. Always packs a punch. Chicken is awesome cooked in many ways.

This is the lontong curry. Comes with all sorts of vegetables. A little different from the Malaysian version.

Overall, it was really good! Especially loved eating the lemang with the chicken rendang.

Thanks for reading!

Camera used: Nikon D3400


Good to have that food


Looks delicious! I've never tried any of these. I've only tried some rendang beef before. There's not as many Indonesian options in Toronto, or not that I know of anyway.

Hehe they are delicious. I guess it's pretty difficult to find them there. Rendang is really common in Malaysia. :)

Well, seems that you had a really good time enjoying the festive food from your part-time helper @howtostartablog !
Looks really yummy, and your photography skills are getting a lot better!

Yeap, she can really cook! Thanks again.

Yum yum... Although it's midnight now.. Your food photos never fail making me hungry... Hopefully I will get to enjoy a great feast in my dream shortly..

Haha always making you hungry eh..

Coz you always post food I like to eat... LOL

This is their lemang. It's basically rice cooked in a bamboo stick. It's basically sticky in texture.

They covered the rice in banana leaves and cooked in a steamer :P cooking using wood is exceptional. Only for people resides in jungle who has no access to electric stove or gas stove ;)

Rendang is definitely delicious but they made it too oily for my taste over here.

Yea it was pretty oily. Most of the oil was removed after taking the photo. :)

Glad that you like it!

wow .. so good of her to bring food ! looks good too

Yeap! She does this every year. :P

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