Wellness #003 What is wealth?

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

There are thousands of books written on this subject. Some define it as the number of days you can maintain your lifestyle without working at all. While others define as your passive investment income exceeds your active working income so that you don’t have to work. I believe the beginning of achieving something is the ability to define it correctly.


I am a fan of Bob proctor author of the book "Born Rich". I bought this book twenty years ago and recently I started reading it again and It has some profound truth about money that is relevant then and even today. Such as:-

1.) Money is a servant
We sometimes forgot that we reverse the role and become enslave to money. Money become the ultimate objective which eventually leads to many unhappiness. It is what money can do for you that is going to determine it's usefulness. Think about it money is just a piece of paper that only carry value when it is used. It does not make sense if you die having billions in your bank account and you don't use it to make you happy. Unfortunately, I have often seen inherited free money became more of a curse to their children than blessing. Of course this is not in general but some sad cases do happen.

2.) Money must circulate
In order to validate its value, money MUST be circulated. It is in the exchange the value is realised. So don't hoard on to your money.

When it comes to money goal, we tend to tell ourselves if only I have RM1 million in my bank account then I will be rich and happy. We put conditions that in order to feel rich we much see with evidence that the sum is deposited in our bank account. Why , on earth are we subjecting ourselves to such condition?

I was watching Tony Robbins interview the other day, he said "Wealth is a state of mind". The way you define wealth will determine how wealthy you are.

So, how do I get started on my wealth journey? The first step is to begin practicing gratitude every single day of our waking lives. We may not realise this , but there are many people out there who are less fortunate, look at us and say we are rich. We are so blinded by the condition that we have set up for ourselves till we forgot the very things we have been blessed in our lives.

So what is wealth? Personally, wealth is not only about the measurement of how much money you have but rather how you feel in every aspect of your life. How do you feel about your relationship, your work, your spiritual, your health and etc.
But most important wealth is about experiencing freedom to make your own choices in life.

Steemit can be a way to create the lifestyle you want, but firstly focus on creating value for others through your blog, video and audio. The money will come naturally. I have always believe in this and I have seen it worked in my life many times before. So, if you are facing some financial challenges right now. Practice gratitude the moment you wake up. Then go our and create value for others. Do it over and over again till you see the miracle happen. This is not wishful thinking because it is an universal law.


Hmmm @diamonddray love is a state of mind. I couldnt agree any less that wealth comes from.creating value

Agreed bro. In steemit, we have the potential to create wealth.
But first, creating value and help to increase the value of the platform.
Thank you for sharing.

I sooo agree...money must circulate. That is why i always spend money.

I have this book! Went to his weekend seminar long time ago in Toronto. :)

Cool, a big influence in my life

Money is a servant, and should be treated as such, but once the ideology of money becoming your Master erodes your mind, you find it hard to get it.

Agree with you @diamondray Hope to see more articles from you!

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