Guided by Principles

a nation that does not adhere to the principles agreed by her founding father is a soulless nation, ruled by dictators masked with democracy and lies.

These were words that posted in facebook in March 2013 and it was part of a conversation with a Politician PA that was determine to debunked all accusation towards his master.

I am used to ask who am i politically aligned too, while the word spoken in a conversation does sound opposition. But in all honestly , my loyalty is toward justice and liberty regardless of whichever side.

In Malaysia, Malaysian tend to forget that the country is build upon a a sacred agreement known as Malaysia Agreement 1963 , a reference

Over time the Malaysia Constitution is shape based on the MA63 and changes were made too many times. Some of the changes are now being question if it uphold the spirit of what was agreed by our founding father.

In recent time, we see this topic resurface over and over again , where the demand and voices of the citizen who is awaken and knowledgeable is is heard spoken in all social media platform and it is discuss in the mainstream media.

Political parties begin to restartegized and most begin to shout that they will fight implementation of what was initially agreed in the past.

What can a normal citizen do about this? get yourself familiar with this founding agreement and study it. there is now ton of reference and books written about it, one of it is Queen's Obligation.

Some politician will have their own interpretation , but what matters is your understanding and your role in educating the society so malaysia don't lose it track from how it was first design.

5 years has passed since these word is spoken, recently i bumped into the PA at the shopping mall. In the distance i notice a familar face walking closer to me and as we began our conversation i learn that he is now based in KL and is active with a civil society movement that promote free and fair election. Best of luck to him and us all as malaysia election is round the corner.



Nice movie I use to love to watch because I always a man of GOD and JESUS CHRIST and justice

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