Friends Fovever.

its been a while now that i didnt blog, i was caught up with so much work related issue, personal matter and there was unsettle business that i had to attend to.

Nevertheless i wish to dedicate this come back post to a very special personal friend that had pass away a week plus ago . this about an important moment of my life in which 10 years ago In the month of October, I met a man that I didn’t realized then that would have an impact on me for my entire life. He taught me how to carry myself, moral values , principals , he gave me the confidence and strength to believe in my own capabilities , he gave me wisdom and more importantly he gave his friendship.

Overtime I see him more than just a friend , he is my mentor, a person that i trust , a brother , he is family to me. On the 7th October 2017 he lost his battle against cancer. I miss him dearly, I miss our laughs we had together, our share dreams, all the good memories and our simple conversation about our daily life.

During one of my challenging time in the past, he taught and reminded me that I don’t have to win battles , I must stay focus on winning the war and its ok to lose battle. This lesson I kept close to my heart for he was right and it was a huge life lesson then.
He is truly a gifted, kind, honorable man, a thinker, a strategist, an implementer, a man that gets the job done. I had chance to work closely with him in the past and see how he operates is truly an honor to me. I am truly thankful that he took me under his wing, trusted me to even chair some of his meeting for him. Sometimes, I wonder what it is that he see in me for him to care.

When we both were based in Semporna, we use to hang out across his office building , below a huge raintree is a small run down coffee shop operated 24hours. We would chit chat from night till sunrise, there were times other friends would join us, but most night it was just the two of us. Even when we were in shanghai , we would spend our days from night till morning , laughing our heart with jokes and celebrating our personal life achievements.

This post to show share my respect and admiration to my dear friend , an honorable, kind and hardworking District Officer of Tuaran and Former DO of Semporna , The Late Tuan A.M Ibnu Hj. Ak Baba.

I am glad and proud to have known you and feel truly blessed to have the chance to cross path with a beautiful soul, a brother that will always be part of my life. I will miss you dearly bro ibnu. I am so sad and it breaks my heart to see you go. May You Rest In Peace Brother

Couple night ago i had dream about him, in that dream i was standing on the boat berth by the jetty talking to my former skipper Mr Harris. When i look up toward the jetty , i saw bro Ibnu smiling at me carrying a box then he place the box on the jetty and point at it. That was it really , suddenly i woke up. i cant figure out what the dream is all about. i said my prayer for him and went back to sleep .

I believe God has plans for everything, my friendship with bro Ibnu was a big deal for me especially during some critical phase of my life. Having him like a big brother and mentor was perhaps Gods ways of reaching out to me through him. Although we dont share the same religion yet it doesnt matter as trust , our friendship and care for each other is all that matters . I will miss him always.



My condolence on your loss. May his soul rests in peace and may perpetual light shine upon him

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