We Finally Moved to Klang Valley!


So we finally moved to Klang Valley! We were supposed to transfer (to KV) on 24 November but since I was hospitalized twice, we had to cancel the trip. After I had that nasty gallstone removed from my duct and recuperated at home for 10 days we finally made it here. It was exhausting. I am still exhausted. We are slowly settling down though there are stuff yet to unpack but I am taking my time. I am too burned out and stressed. All I want to do now is to rest and not do anything. I don't even feel like celebrating Christmas. I just want to sleep and not meeting anyone, at least for now....

Here's my son posing with some unpacked boxes and stuff.


The recent increased of Steem Dollar price has been a real blessing to my family. With so many discouraging stuff happening almost at once, we were struggling financially. Prior to the rise, I was so tempted to sell my Steem regardless of the price as long as we could get by. But lo and behold the price started to climb and I sold some of my SBD to @perennial who offered to buy it from me (thanks, bro!). I sold some to Blocktrades and I made enough to pay off some of my hospitalization debts and also debts to friends and family who were so kind to lend us financial assistance in time of needs. I used that money to purchase some basic furniture for our apartment in KV and also bought schooling needs for my daughter.

I am so glad and very thankful.

I even bought some cheap art books (header picture) using that money. Total spent on books was less than MYR150 (approximate USD37).

I have been not doing any art but I am looking forward to posting some art stuff soon when I am less lethargic. I am in the midst of doing a portrait of my late best friend. I should be able to post it tomorrow.

So that's all for now :)

Thank you for visiting!


My avatar was illustrated by @pinstory

Upvote, Resteem & Follow Me @coloringiship


Welcome to the land of..... tolls? but the food is great....

hahah ! so true

Thank you! Haishh yes the tolls and traffic jam and ughhhhhhhhh...rude drivers!

Take care @coloringiship. Everything will be in control, God is with youuu 💕💕 and Christmas is coming, remember the blessing that you've received from Him. I'm happy that finally you're in Klang Valley, yayy.

Thank you Arina @notimetospace ..yea...glad to be here finally...been so stressful XD

Don't forget to take pictures of the Stars in Kuching . Cuz you can't get them here .. lol

Ya ya of course different stuff here XD

Welcome! Take care =)

So sorry to hear you were in the hospital. Hope things smooth out for you in the New Year. Your son is a cutie!

Thank you Kay! Glad to see you getting active on Steemit!

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