What did T-rex really Sound Like?

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians, it has been awhile since I posted my last article. So today I would like to start something that could spice up your weekend.


What did T-rex really Sound Like?


After watched the Jurassic World trailer, I had been wondering what did T-rex or other dinosaur really sound like? Have this question also baffling you, let share your answer in the comment section.

Okay, Let's Begin.

We all that what really a T-rex sounds like, right? As far as we could tell, no! T-rex roar in the movie like Jurassic park, Jurassic world and other dinosaur movie are actually the work movie magic that reference on today carnivorous bahaviour, their roar and of course the dinosaur closest relative, the avian bird . For instance, the T-rex roar in the Jurassic park movie is mixing between crocodile, a lion, a tiger and a baby elephant.

T-rex Roar scene

Those sound were mixed by sound engineer to give the audience their shook of their life. Rumbling, gasping, roaring, heavy breathing did manage to trembling the cinema atmosphere.

Scientist believe it might produce infra sound or low frequency noise like an elephant or crocodile to communicate in long distant or for searching for a mate. Furthermore, scientist found out that they might have larynx, a range of deep-throated mecahnism that only found today reptile like crocodile, which is the more archaic vocal setup. Therefore, we might not hear like what in the movie, but sounds by crocodile could be the closest thing to a sound of a T-rex.

What is the worst could happen to our T-rex sound ?

The T-rex will sounds like a big chicken

Don't take my word for it, read the article about relationship between T-rex and Chicken here

Here are some of the artist illustration on the T-rex. Hope you like it.



In the end, we might not know what did the T-rex really sounds like and for the time being, it is better to imagine its sounds like in the movie. Which make the scene more frightening, and not a big chicken sound!


Thank you

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Why the T-Rex is extinct.

funny picture. i believe they extinct due to asteroid tho.

lol, didn't know about that. I guess we just imagine how it should be :P

hahaha, it should be like a crocodile. but since closest to bird, we might think it caw like craw or like chicken

Never heard a crocodile make noise 😂 if it’s chicken kook... it just doesn’t match . Hahaha. Fun though!

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Rupanya begitu broo...xoxoxo..😬

hehehehe, okay juga bah kan, kalau t-rex berbunyi mcm ayam hahahaha

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