We will rise to a higher calling - long awaited testimony

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

I attended an event at Stadium Melawati back in 2016 called E16 Unstoppable Conference with Philip Mantofa host by SIBKL. Unstoppable conference was somehow an unforgettable one , here's why.

To be honest, I didn't make plans to go. It was all last minute. I went by myself but i went there with a heart that was in battle mode to stand along and pray. Pray into the spirit for the night rallies. Praying for souls.

On the night of the festival before i even step foot into the stadium i heard a silent whisper that struck my heart " I can do the impossible , Nothing is to big for Me ". These words immediately change my perspective towards what God can do during those two nights of rally. It takes faith to believe that our God who created the heavens and the earth , who died on the cross for us can do the impossible.

The very moment i step foot into the stadium, my heart just pump with such excitement and joy because the stadium was so full that people had to stand and squish just to know / encounter Jesus. So many young people and not so old people were just filled with thirst and hunger for the Lord that even through worship , many were healed. Sometimes many of us wait for the laying of hands or someone to pray for us but really , even through worship you can get healed.

1000+ souls gave their lives to Christ. Isn't this amazing! During those two nights , revival happen in Malaysia and God did the impossible. It takes our little faith to believe for greater things! That night it was a Holy Ghost Party, that night , we experience an earthquake of His unconditional love , that night i stood with a family who loves the Lord and a family who loves our homeland Malaysia! I stood with a generation who was ready to change the world for Jesus. To bring heaven on earth. Never in my life have i ever experience a conference that God open up my eyes , to experience His breakthrough and healing.

God presence was so powerful and so evident that even at where i was seating i could just felt the His presence all over me. So blessed that am able to worship with thousands of people across generations for one reason and that is to lift the name of Jesus up high in Malaysia!

An unforgettable experience.


you know what. I attended E03 during my youth. flew all the way here from KK, Sabah. :)

Really!! That's awesome!1

And what happened in 2016, now carries forward for Malaysia itself to 2018. What we thought was impossible for 60 years of bondage now is coming to its fruition in this very year.

And God always has His timing to do what is impossible. Thank you for sharing such a reminder that we need not wait anxiously when He'll do it, and just enjoy Him and let whatever meant to be happens while we are at it; riding through the waves of God's goodness and mercy.

" Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

Sometimes we are so caught up with our own daily lives that we forget that the blessing of God is just right there hence we missed it. Sometimes we are so caught up with the world , when the healing / miracle / breakthrough is just right there. Sometimes we depend on the people around us too much, when Jesus is right there.

Indeed a reminder to myself as well to enjoy His presence and His love yet also continue to be in battle mode to pray for one another and let the joy of the Lord continue to rain over us. ( Like you said - riding through the waves of God's goodness and mercy. )

Here's an encouragement for you as i believe you are in a hard situation :

" I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalms 16:8

You will not be shaken my dearest kaima

Thank you for stopping by!
God bless!

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