Blockchain History being made at the United Nations

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)


I have achieved one of my goals.

Here I am inside the Room XX of the Palais de Nations, Geneva Switzerland.


The colourful stalagmites that form the artful ceiling symbolises the beautiful yet dangerous and chaotic world we live in.

Its beauty is quite ephemeral to me and reminds me how we, as a human race, hold the ability to create both good or harm around us in this shared planet called Earth.

Blockchains for Sustainable Development (B4SD)

Why am I here?

I am on a mission.
I believe a future of 100% renewable energy for the world is achievable within this lifetime and EMPOWER is my attempt to create that future.

So ever since I heard about this event in July, I wrote in an application and to my pleasant surprise... within just one week, I received a confirmation from the United Nations that my seat is secured!

Witnessing History...

On the world stage, 24 Oct 2018 Wednesday - was a historic moment for the blockchain ecosystem as it is the first time stakeholders, entrepreneurs & policymakers from all over the world gather in the UNITED NATIONS to discuss in an open manner where this technology is going to bring us; the potential, risks and changes.

Here are some of my favorite takeaways:


"Blockchain is only a tool. Like a kitchen knife. You can ban a kitchen knife. But it would only move things backward in the kitchen area." - Changpeng Zhao (CZ), CEO of Binance


"$130 billion of fees hide within the banking sector and any transaction you do. The potential to reduce (or remove) these fees are huge. Blockchain could be one of the solutions." - Ms. Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament for Greece


"Very few technologies have more potential for disruption and excitement than blockchain... if you are somebody who cares about making the future a little less uneven." - Chris Fabian of UNICEF Innovation


"2.7 billion people live less than $2 a day, 60 million are displaced, 1 billion live without an identity. Blockchain alone may not solve all these problems, but it can be one piece of the puzzle," - Vanessa Grellet, Executive Director of Consensys

... and being part of it.


Vanessa Grellet, for example, is one of humblest and friendliest people in the ecosystem I have ever met. Despite managing a 1,200 people large operation at Consensys, she is always present and attentive to whoever the person is speaking with her.

She also leads the Blockchains for Social Impact Coalition (BSIC) - a movement which in it contains one of my biggest takeaways from this Europe trip.

There is real work being done for a more sustainable planet. And we are not alone.

The UN Sustainability Goals is a good framework that I'd like to see more people in my country fight towards. Because there are a lot of resources in my country but not enough people operating in the same energy and spirit that is being demonstrated here.

Nevertheless, change begins with us.
Let us be the change we want to see in the world. EMPOWER will be my attempt to create that change on the renewable energy front.

Can I? Can we?

I'd like to echo what CZ says in the 3pm forum,


What we can or cannot do with technology depends on trial and error. Ten different founders can try to solve a similar problem with ten different results. Who will succeed from an entrepreneurs perspective, somebody will eventually make it work. We just try and try again.

We can empower the world with a flood of unprecedented renewable energy demand. Here is how.

One milestone has already been achieved here on Geneva, Switzerland.

Let's make another one. Shall we?



Hi, my name is Jason aka @buzz.lightyear. I envision a future where renewable energy is our main source of electricity in this lifetime; reducing the largest contributor of carbon emissions by 90% and bringing our global temperatures back to its natural balance.

I believe that this is no easy task but it is achievable with your support.

I am developing EMPOWER, the first cryptocurrency and open blockchain that incentivises producers and consumers who support renewable energy production. I'm looking to collaborate with brilliant minds who share this vision so that we can create a future where it just makes sense to go 100% renewable, visit your local store, buy some latest tech and generate energy for your own use and for others.


Some of us who have been following you are very proud I'm sure. You clearly are a very determined person and haven't given up for what has been and will continue to be a difficult path.

amazing !! you are at ground zero of where history is being made. awesome stuff buddy !

Whoa, sustainable energy rocks! Getting to be part of the pioneering generation to make sustainable energy more accessible is definitely a big challenge but an impactful thing to do.

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