The Story of What My Kids did today which surprised me !

18th Feb 2018

This is a true story which I'd like to share and let it forever be on the blockchain. And also be part of @danieldoughty 's Tell Your Story 2018 Contest . contest link

This is my eldest boy , he just got his spanking brand new handphone

How he got it was because we went for breakfast today and since most of the hawker food stalls and restaurants were closed due to the Chinese New Year holidays, he suddenly said , let me buy you all breakfast and only if it was at McDonalds. Due to him getting a whole bunch of ang pows this month he actually paid for breakfast !

my phone batteries died so didn't get to snap a photo of breakfast and lunch

Because for lunch, we decided to goto the mall to get some Japanese food .. Upon paying for our dinner , boom again ! My son treated us and paid half of the bill !

I've never expected that from my 13 year old ... what came next was that he wanted to get himself a new handphone which was within his budget. Then you start to think ... was it a strategy all along to get us to buy a handphone for him ??? hmmmmmm .... at the end he used up most of his money to get the handphone with me topping up a lil bit since it was his early birthday present ...

What truly surprise me was this , my youngest boy did this video and got me to post it on Steemit ... =)

Next we proceed to have dinner. Once again we were faced with the restaurants not opened , so we decided to go to an Indian Restaurant ( Mamak ) for a change. And we ate there ... once we were done ... I got the bill and proceeded to the counter to make payment. Here was what happened !

walks up to the counter as i gave the bill
he looks at the amount

keeps staring and i asked him "hey, are you going to pay for it ?"
he actually dugged out RM50 and paid for dinner !! lolz


What made him pay ? I guess that it could be from seeing his elder brother who actually paid for breakfast & lunch and he wanted to treat us as well.

As a parent, personally I was truly touched by the action of my kids even if it may not be much, but to me ... its one of those moments which you will never ever forget as its just priceless

End of Story


Awww... What darling kids you have there... at such young age they already know how to appreciate and respect you and your wife (as parents). By doing so, they’re acknowledging that they know how hard you both have worked for the family and they appreciate what you have done for them. God bless their hearts ❤️

I guess they also do somewhat understand the value of a dollar, especially your 13 year old. Coz he actually knew or planned that he had wanted to treat the family and also budgeted to save part of his angpao to buy himself a new phone (he’d also done some research on price of the phone he wanted to get) and he did not expect the parents to pay or buy it for him. So, he must have spent time thinking and planning for it.

Well done, @bitrocker2020 and wife! You’ve done well in raising your children. You should be very proud of them. I’m touched by reading your post. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks @gelfire .. that's so true .. the research that he must have done .. oh my .

Smart kids you have there @bitrocker2020; like father like sons! 😉

I feel you...speechless and unexpected, it's a priceless moment to treasure for life. So cute and sweet also your little boy...💕😍

Kannn .. totally unexpected

thats a nice story bro. dont forget to put up your link on the contest comment post . lol

That's awesome. Great to see your kids are learning how to look after their parents too! :-)

They started very young 😂 which I was totally caught by surprise and was really appreciative

Truly amazing kids @bitrocker2020. God bless them abundantly. 👍🏼👍🏼

You are a good parent. Everything that happened was greatly influenced by parenting.
Congratulations to you!

Your kids are so grateful and well-mannered! @bitrocker2020

essential post...........@bitrocker2020

Your kids will go far and will grow up becoming a very kind person. Good parenting you did there :)

Nice moment.. Good luck :)

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