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RE: GIMP 2.10 has been finally released (After 6 long years!)

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

6 years in between major updates. One that jumps the minor version number. There are small patches and updates here and there but not one as exciting as this.

7-8 years ago was probably GIMP version 2.5/2.6. It was a weird Linux looking program back then, now the new version made it almost hard to justify the superiority of Photoshop. They have almost pretty the same functionality.

It was true that Photoshop was better than GIMP but 2.10 really levels the playing field in terms of UI/UX and the tools. Now it really becomes a question of preference. Which was awesome because one is a subscription program and another is an open source free program. Open source CAN create wonderful stuff.

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