The Trainwreck Illusion

in #teamgood6 years ago (edited)

giphy (22).gif

We can fan the flames of grandiose visions that sometimes do come to fruition. It would seem that while we are busy micro-managing the more futile aspects of existence, the best laid goals just don't go according to plan. I see this all the time on here where people go full force to be just another drop in the bucket or spread themselves so thin that they wind up caught up in their own webs of their own making. In the past I've written about personal observations of keeping things simple and "don't quit your day job". Some friends doing shout outs in their new Mercedes from the last bubble are probably posting 5 times a day on whatever MLM type platform is spewing out a few shitcoins to remain "relevant".

Why does if matter how relevant you are if your measuring stick is up against either sheer numbers of people who had a running start or can put in millions of dollars of play money to dominate a platform? Things are what they are and much of this territory is just some weird grey area that we try to color according to what we feel is the right track. Does it really matter if someones picture of the Virgin Mary on toast got 200 dollars or was circle jerked or botted? Does that take toast off your plate?
I'm simply writing this after reading squabbles about how unfair things are. Are they unfair though and if so does it make or break your life?

We can't change the courses and infrastructure at times but what we can control is our vantage point and boundaries put up to not be bothered by whatever seems fake as hell or annoying. A lot is smoke and mirrors and illusion and/or outright b.s. ! Knowing and making oneself aware and AWAKE is liberating in everything from MSM/"Alt News" to being pitched some half baked idea by rather dubious entities.

(giphy, @teamgood @steemusa @earthtribe @steemsugars @canna-curate @pirateworld @supersecretsociety @freedomtribe @themermaidbrigade @chibera @trojanwall @steemspeak)



another squabble? things are popping off left and right lately. you are right on, change the perspective.

think it's gonna be a very bumpy ride op/ed O.o
most systems are designed to break and the promise of decentralization spouted by the ones centralizing it the most lends to the non kool-aid drinkers to question what the end game actually is imho

wish it wasnt gonna be bumpy, why cant anything be easy?

It is a cesspool-kind of world, mine is a flameless hell. @battleaxe

Should one obsess about the unfairness of it all - NO.
However- it is sad to see that a platform that potentially could liberate a ton of people, be alternative means to croudfund research and was pedaled as egalitarian, democratic venue, turned out to be just another sad reflection of the world we live in. Many of us came here hungering for something more, something better and it was promised to us ...finding out that Potemkin built the village we moved into can be demoralising. That being said , like in the real world, if we want better we have to make things better cause there is no hero coming ...

perhaps the potential is being squandered on purpose, who knows? even if that's the case the rogues usually find ways to persevere regardless of whatever bullshit is thrown at us wrapped up with bows and slick graphics..... there certainly is no hero in many things but there are a lot of heroines :)

I believe there is a plan in place. We'll see what happens. Really there is nothing we can do to change the course that is set.

Hi @battleaxe, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @pirateworld, @supersecretsociety and @themermaidbrigade don't exist on Steem. Maybe you made some typos ?

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LOL that is right!

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