2 poems -My entry for Feminist Fire contest by Team Girlpowa

in #teamgirlpowa6 years ago (edited)

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True freedom has many paths

There is no one freedom, there's more than one way.
The minute we impose our will it fosters our decay.

All these rigid boxes we love to overfill,
show that we don't understand how freedom is instilled.

My freedom might look different then hers, or yours, or theirs.
It does not mean my path is wrong, just because you're scared.

The same with feminism, there is more than one path.
It is but quest to claim the right to be oneself at last.

Be kinder to your sisters, let them find their pace.
Do not impose your way of things, it’s frankly not your place.




I am not angry, I am annoyed. Humanity perpetuates illogical insanity for short time gratification. The level of madness reflects in the ways we treat the non humans we enslave, women, minorities or the very planet we live on.

I am not angry but nauseated. We live in a society that calculates the worthiness of a rape victim by the amount of flesh exposed, at the time of violation. We live in a world where little girls are still mutilated, to ensure docility and that they never feel pleasure. We live in a culture where we feed our nations off the milk of raped bovines, who never get to raise their children. As females we live under these hostile conditions, but are often accomplice to their implementation. As long as we look away and say nothing we will be- less than.

I am not angry.
I see humanity as what it is, a cesspool of weak individuals scavenging scraps.
Being angry at the mentally deficient is as useful as blaming the earth for its trajectory.

I am not angry but do not mistake this for docility.
I stand next to my raped sisters and demand justice be served.
I stand behind every little girl, I will defend her right to become everything she sets out to become.
I stand with every female, human and non human and their right to their own body.
I stand behind my non human sisters violated and broken to feed human greed.
I am not angry, but I will take up the sword to defend all innocents and protect my sisters from the consequences of your fragile egos.

As long as I have breath I will not be silenced, and if I fall others will take my place.
It is an ancient story forged in adversity.
Watch the masses slither in their self made hell.
I am not going away.
My fire is forged with a cool steady flame.
know I will be heard.
Know I will get what I came for.


Writing notes/artist’s statement:

Poem 1 - like everywhere in life there are people who think they get to dictate the parameters of how a woman should live. Truth is personal freedom is different for everyone . While one woman is truly fulfilled in a homemaker role another would wither. We cannot force our kind of happiness on others that is just another form of oppression the goal is to help our sisters fulfill their own path and purpose, not to tell them who they should be.

Poem 2 - I am not the raging type of angry ... when it comes to inequality and oppression of other people/beings and humanity's misconduct it really is more disgust then anything else that I feel. Second I included non human females because their plight is our plight! as long as we teach our kids that it is ok to rape and exploit females of any species there will never be freedom or equality.

(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


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art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


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Thanks for your entry.

I am supposed to be off this thing called steemit, but I read this yesterday and I was supposed to upvote and comment. I loved the authenticity of your expression. So many things to agree with in your pieces.

Good luck on your entry, my fingers are crossed for you.

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