Joining Team Australia... If you'll have me

in #teamaustralia7 years ago

Hello Team Australia,

A little about me. I am originally born in Liverpool UK and spent the first 17 years of my life there. My family emigrated to Cape Town South Africa where I lived the next 17years. Now I am 34 and I am emigrating to Manly, Sydney. I arrive on the 16th of January in your beautiful country with my wife (my little sister is there already)

My hobbies include Mountain climbing (+80) and cross country cycle touring. I have rode across France, England, Switzerland and South Africa so far.

I have been learning about Steemit by posting mostly about Crypto in my blog so far. This is about to change!

I have been so impressed with the collaborative work happening on the Steemit platform that I have decided to launch my new financial research company 100% on the Steemit blockchain.

I will be introducing and helping many new high net worth individuals come over to Steemit( mostly analysts, hedge fund managers and family offices.)
I am still polishing the content and expect to launch and go full time early in the new year #Nervous #Excited

You can follow me if you would like an insiders view into the world of Macroeconomic research. All of our collaborative research is 100% open source and free to use in any way you see fit.

Cant wait to hang out with you all and have a beer!
Australia here we come!



Nice intro Tony. The team at COMMUNITY NEWS are sure you will get a run. In the meantime - if you are looking for something to post about check out #celestialchallenge


Is @communitynews an teamaustralia thing or is it open to anyone? I haven't got accepted to team Auz yet

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66618.20
ETH 3498.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.63