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RE: One problem with the media reporting on the Aged Care issues

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

I know the topic is serious but I still had to giggle imagining an aged care organisation popping down to the local Coles to grab a few loaves of bread and bottles of milk XD They would be buying things in bulk for sure, along with the glorious bulk discount.

as an aside a lot of people would probably do better buying direct from farmers/market growers if they have the opportunity to do so but the government and the middle corporations seem to go absolutely out of their way at all costs to prevent this from happening blathering some bullshit about quality control when it seems to be primarily about lining their own pockets

My aunty cares for my grandmother and I can definitely say she doesn't eat much. Basically the only time she will eat a decent lunch or dinner is when the kids and I are over, because it's a "special occasion" (even though I'm there pretty much every week!). Otherwise all my aunty can get her to eat is one single solitary soft-boiled chicken egg (sometimes with toast if she's actually hungry!) or a bird-sized bowl of porridge or a weetbix in the morning, dinner leftovers for lunch if she's lucky otherwise they usually don't even bother with lunch, and either my aunty will cook up something for dinner or they'll have whatever my other aunty down the road dropped off (other aunty sometimes does a big cookup and drops off a few days' supply of dinners).

Healthcare in general does seem to be horribly understaffed doesn't it :<


I don't know what its like over in the Western bad lands, but over here the farmers markets sadly aren't cheap, well so I've found anyway. And the other problem I have with them is that I need cash, i NEVER have cash.
But I agree, it'd be great if many more people shopped at those places to stop making Coles and Woolies rich.

The markets we used to go to when the older two were baby and toddler were great. We frequented this cheerful old Italian's stall and he loved the kids, would often throw random things into our box for free and hand the kids fruits (his favourite thing was to give them strawberries as it gave him great pleasure seeing them get strawberry juice all over them XD).

Then the place went "gourmet" and crowded out all the greengrocers.

There's still a few markets operating around us that we hit up on occasion (haven't been for a while though as house hunting has been wasting taking up a lot of time). I don't have issues with the cash thing as I prefer using cash and usually have some on me. It would be nice if more of them either knew about or were able to use the app that makes phones/ipads eftpos things, I don't know if there are subscription fees or anything silly like that or if they're more complicated to set up than simply downloading app to device.

I am fine with paying cash so that the merchant can save on the visa processing fees but the few farmers market I have been to have been less farmery and more boutiquey...also usually more expensive than big stores..

BOUTIQUE! That's the word I wanted, thanks XD That's exactly what the first farmer's market I was talking about became. The second one is kind of halfish like it doesn't want to but feels like it doesn't have a choice. The last one is an open air temporary setup on a school oval which I think helps.

The one I go to now isn't quite farmer market but more like a veggie on the farm store...better pricing and fresher veggies..

No organics though !!

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