Have You Suffered? Felt Pain? Been Hurt?

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

pain and suffering.jpg

If you have Suffered, been Hurt, been Depressed- then you know what it feels like to feel shit.

You how that feels hey It’s a horrible place to be isn’t it.
Do you want to stay in that place? I bet you don’t.
Do you want to be on your death bed and realise your whole life you have felt shit?

“It’s not my fault tho?”
“ Other people made me feel this way”
“ I am unlucky”
“ It’s out of my control “
“ Life deals me crap “


Life is a roller coaster of good and bad. Good and bad happens to everyone!! We all want life to be good all the time but let’s take a reality check.... it doesn’t.

The difference between you having more good than bad in life is YOU!!!
You can’t control what happens, what others say or do but you sure as hell can control your thoughts about it.

You can choose to mope and wallow, to whinge and bitch, to hate on ppl, to be miserable.... do it for a day or a week but do it for too long and you will start feeling good by feeling bad. This will make you a ‘victim’ in your own life.

Get out of the victim trap as quick as possible. Discipline your mind to stop thinking all these crappy thoughts all the time, tell yourself it’s a temporary feeling and life has felt better and you will make it better....
...now the hard part ( which victims won’t do) ... find something that makes you feel good ( not drugs, alcohol etc lol that’s the easy victims way out for a short term numbing)

Remember back to a time when you felt great, laughing with friends and family, felt love in your whole body, had a win, hugging your kids, family and friends. Felt great didn’t it.

Hold onto that good feeling when life deals you a crappy card. It’s very hard to do I know but it only takes one small good feeling of seeing the light that will give you hope and will start the roller coaster to go up.

Fight hard to find that good feeling, I think of cuddling my babies, the love in my heart was so strong I can feel the warmth spread through my body. Bask in this love and joy, really focus on it and feel it. Radiate this love out into your life.

This is like a switch that will activate the roller coaster to start heading up. Do this when ever you think or feel bad. It becomes easier the more you do it.

Once the good feelings are back, reflect on the pain, suffering or hurt and be grateful it happened, it has made you stronger, it made you who you are and if you can make it through that then bring on the next cause you can bust through that one as well!
It will not control your life!! You control your life!

Don’t be the victim in your life- Be the Master!!!

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