A day with my girls!!! Tewantin water park!!!

in #teamaustralia7 years ago

This year girls day will be Wednesday. One day a week devoted entirely to my youngest little munchkins Miss 3 and Miss 1.

As Wednesday is playgroup day it makes sense to do something special with them afterwards. With all the appointments and therapy sessions for the boys I thinks it’s important for my little ones to have just one day a week that they know is all about them. Nothing is better than feeling special.

So after school drop of this morning we headed over to playgroup for them to catch up with their little friends and have some morning tea.

Miss 3 has an obsession with play doh! She loves it. She set herself up at the play doh table and that was her set for the next hour and a half.



Miss 1 likes to play with everything, she moves from activity to activity and occasional gets into a fight over the dolls. She loves her babies. Today however she was very interested in the car racer. You drop the car into the top and it drops down through the simple maze to the bottom, she was fascinated.




Of course being the little mischief maker she is, she then discovered the water fountain and had to get herself soaking wet, not that I could blame her, it was a toasty 34 degrees here today so she may have just been trying to cool of.


After playgroup I had organised to meet up with a girlfriend I haven’t seen for months. We were going to picnic at the local park near her house, however due to the heat we decided to relocate and head to a toddlers water park in Tewantin.


It was perfect, beautiful tables and chairs right beside these giant water sprinklers that randomly came on and off. The girls went wild. Running in and out of the water. Waiting for it to begin all over again.


The whole place is set to a timer and runs for about 10 minutes after that you have to go back and press the start button to turn the water on, lucky for us their were some kids tall enough to reach it and the water never stayed off for long.


After playing for a while they decided they needed some food, their now very cold hot chips from the fish shack located conveniently next to the park did he trick and before long they were back in the water.



The whole park is fully fenced with a safety gate allowing you to sit and play and let the kids run free. Although it is not a huge place it is definitely worth a visit and I will be taking my girls back. In fact we loved it so much we have set up a monthly play date with my friend.


It was the perfect day. After all that running around I am hoping that an early night may actually happen for a change.


Thanks for reading.



Excellent way to beat the heat!! Well done - I like how the water play area is in the shade and has such a lovely view! :)

The view was beautiful and so nice to enjoy it knowing the girls couldn’t get out near the river. It was such a nice spot!

Usually steemians woukd say nice post but thus time we break the routine and say : cute post. Have a good one.

Lol, thank you!

I can't even look at the pictures of the waterpark... It's winter here, we haven't been to the pool in so many months... Your little ones look so happy, I hope you manage to go there more often!

Even when it is winter here, it’s still basically summer lol. I’m not sure how I would manage if I ever had to live someplace that had an actual winter although I would love to see the snow. My dream is to take the kids for a holiday in the snow at Christmas!!

Very nice work at this pist

Ah that's my grandbabies! I think I'd like to go sit in the middle of that with a nice cool mocktail lol...

We should go one day, the girls loved it, I’m sure the other kids would love it as well.

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