Cold beer, warm night and reflection


It's 10pm on a warm beautiful night in Port Douglas and I'm sitting on the balcony enjoying a cold beer reflecting on life.

The thought currently is my council bid which went great.

The things I am stuck on is politics and the lengths people go to just for power.

One of my opponents holds a national conveyor position within an opposing party, ran domestic violence campaigns which is great... until their domestically violent past came to light and they were pulled from major health organisations.

Another whose mob brandished me a bully, standard me and tried very hard to ruin me (but didn't) is undergoing investigation for bullying and harassment.

I could go on but you get my drift.

Meanwhile this lil ol black duck is just cursing along.

I have my family, my mob and my name and that's all we really have in this life, all else isn't worth the paper it's written on.

Love you Ashleigh and Tahlia ❤


Enjoy your time up there mate :)

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