Good morning from Australia


Good morning Steemians I hope you had a great nights rest, mine wasn't the best as my car battery died lastnight leaving the gym and I got back really late. Bummer :(

Summer is coming to an end in Australia but today in Melbourne we get to have a few more warm days with today's temp reaching 32 degrees celcius.

On that note I'm starting to run out of drone images and neee to start heading out a bit more to capture some wonderful pictures for you.

I'm off to work now and I'll be checking in to upvote, comment and resteem some of the awesome work you're sharing.

Have a lovely day!


This post has been resteemed by The Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative and Newbie Resteem Day. Keep on Steeming.

@melbourneswest, that is one sweet shot!!! Love the perspective, colors, clouds ... all of it! Very lovely indeed! About to Upvote and Resteem

can I just tell you that i love Australia even though I have never been there, watched a lot of movies set in your country. What fascinates me is that everybody seems to know how to swim.

Haha yeah we do love our beaches. We get taught how to swim at primary school which helps alot.

i would visit your country soon, lol. i believe so, lemme work hard and earn some money

Glad you got home after the flat battery. Great photo once again.

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