The Importance of helping one another

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

I think it sort of goes without saying that the more you are willing to help others, then the better off you are in life as good usually does comes back. Although this is not always the case I really believe that if we all have the ability to help one another in life, even if life is really tough and hard on us. I think that helping one another really benefits each others well being and self esteem as we are taking our eyes off ourselves and into the light of other people who need help. The great thing about helping other people is that it is free and you don't necessarily need to join an organisation or be apart of anything in particular, helping others can be simple things like catching up with friends for a coffee to check how they are keeping with life, or going around to there house to help clean or pack up anything. In my opinion nothing is to simple in life and helping others with anything at all, even if it is just a set of ears as they are in need of someone to talk to, can not only help you but help them as well :)


If we were to take an organisation that we are able to help others, maybe take something like 'steemit' for example, the site is free and we are able to help upvote our colleagues posts by upvoting, leaving a comment or if you are feeling really generous then to resteem. It's pretty cool we are apart of a community that rely's on us helping and encouraging other people, there aren't to many other communities out there like that and you are rewarded for it. I mean of course there are some, take sporting clubs for example. The more you engage with the sport club and the community, the more you are able to make friends as well as help each other out on and off the sporting field. It's the same with steemit, the more time we invest onto the site and helping others the more chances we are of not only maintaining some financial reward but also the reward and gratification that we have enlightened or made someone's day a lot better than it initially was.



I think we are able to apply this to other communities as well, take 'headspace' for example the mental health organisation I volunteer my time at. I think this is a great community for me to reach out and give, and give and give to others and hopefully help their lives out in some way. I know already I have been fortunate enough to help out quite a few people who are battling with mental health disorders and been able to let them see the light of day in life and enhance their overally well being. I don't necessarily believe to help one another you necessarily need a religion, although I do believe religion does help a lot of people and a religious community does with it's particular morals of giving to the needy', I don't necessarily believe that you need to part take or believe in religious beliefs to help one another.


Don't get me wrong I believe it is all well and good to have a faith and I think for some people it is really beneficial, and I think that they are able to reach out and help one another through there religious belief. To be perfectly honest I myself would love to have a faith and a belief in God and in religion and although I may have prayed when times have been tough for me I have found it difficult for me to become convicted to a faith. I think at times it's important to be grateful for some of the morals religion teaches us, and one of these in a range of religious beliefs is in fact 'helping others.'

helping others.png

Take Christianity and Buddhism for example both of these religious beliefs are totally separate but each of them have a strong desire to help one another, and I think it is important and healthy for us all, even if we don't necessarily believe in the faith to take something from it and help people in our lives, whether that be friends, family, or even volunteer work where we are able to engage and help others who need it. I know this post may not have flowed overly well, but I just wanted to emphasise the importance of helping others.

Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoyed reading this post :)


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