Updates for Ethos

Ethos for those that aren't aware is a system that is aiming to bank the unbanked, as well as aiming to be a major thorn in the side of coinspot and the other fiat gateways that rip of the crypto community with over the top processing fees.

This week, Ethos has made some major annoucements to their community that you may like to hear about.

Firstly, their airdrop program is starting to kick off. Those users that have pre-registered for the Ethos wallet will be getting a number of coins airdropped to them by companies that want to reward the loyal supporters of Ethos.

The first of these airdrop partners is Smartcash. Once you create your first Ethos wallet, you should automatically recieve some Smartcash as well. I'm unsure on the number of tokens to be dropped or what the criteria are for recieving them. All I do know at the moment is that Smartcash are valued at approximately 10c each and has been up as high at 20c recently.

Secondly, the Genesis version of Ethos's flagship product, the Universal wallet is due for release over the coming weeks. Its currently in final stages of testing.

The universal wallet is the product that should revolutionize Cryptocurrency for the new user. It holds multiple types of coins in the 1 wallet. So the need for a Bitcoin wallet a Litecoin wallet, and ERC20 Wallet etc all seperate will be gone. Everything will be kept in the 1 place. There is also to be a fiat gateway built in within the near future as well as Exchange Traded funds to instantly diversify your fund with out the need to do individual trades.

All this shows that Crypto has now entered Stage 2, where applications are being released to fix problems that have arisen BECAUSE of Crypto.



Well, you really do learn something new everyday. Sounds great how can I find out more?

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