The vilification of the same sex marriage postal votesteemCreated with Sketch.

For those of you living outside of Australia, or for those of you living under a rock, Australia is conducting a voluntary postal survey to amend the marriage act.

Now before we really kick this off, this is not a debate on what way you should vote, I have no right to tell you that or try to persuade you either way. My voting preference at this stage is still undecided for matters that you will read as we go along.

The LNP Government went to the 2016 Federal Election on a platform of conducting a plebiscite to determine this issue. Many people within society wanted the government to just make the decision for us. I agree with the path that the government took, sure they could have very effectively made a decision, but it was an election promise that couldn't be broken. Of course the lefties in the Senate stood in their way and wouldn't allow the will of the voting people.
The left of the society argue that we should not have a plebiscite because it will open up a can of hatred and vilification towards the LGBTIQ community. Personally i didn't think this would happen, but I appreciate the concern and can understand their trepidation on this.

So we are going to a postal vote and the heat is on now, the government has created a bi-partisan bill (this is a true miracle when it comes to Billy Shorten to agree on anything) to protect people from hate speech. The undertones of this bill are biased towards protecting the LGBTIQ community. I thought this was already protected but I was wrong.

BUT..... now that the campaigns have been flowing for a few weeks, it turns out that the lefts fears have been realized. There are hate filled rallies, abuse, assault and vilification. But the problem is, its coming FROM the LGBTIQ side or as I heard one radio caller label it, the Pink Panthers (as opposed to the Black Panthers)

This is where my decision on where to vote become blurred and confusing. I personally have no issue with marriage between homosexuals, they should have the same right to be as miserable as the rest of us. But what I DO have an issue with is the way the staunch NO voters are being treated. If the Pink Panthers are going to be this vile and militant with absolutely no regard for other peoples opinion on this issue, what else will be next? Will there be demand for compensation and reconciliation?
The other issue is, we really don't know what we are voting for, what is the wording of the bill, what are the changes and what are the protections to stop this kind of vilification from BOTH sides happening in the future?

There is just too much unknown, maybe I should abstain from voting, maybe I just vote no until its all cleared up. I don't know.

Lastly, I've seen friends of mine putting posts on Facebook stating that if you vote NO then let them know so that they can delete you from their friend list. Are some people seriously that petty that they can't be friends with someone that has a differing opinion to them? For this reason alone I feel like voting NO just as a big Fuck You to those people. Its just like all the wankers that said they'd leave the USA if Trump won the election, we're still waiting for you to move De Niro and Amy Schumer!!

Either way, at the end of the day there are going to be a lot of very pissed off people come November 15. This vote will have 1 winner and 1 looser, some people aren't going to get their way. But what is great, and makes this country one of the best democracies in the world is that we got to have our say and make our opinions heard.

Below are the links to news stories of some of the horrible acts that have played out so far in the lead up to this survey.
University of Sydney Assult
Brisbane Church Assault
Assault of Kevin Rudds God-son



Thank you for bringing this up Gohba - I would have but I have been flying the Conservative Flag a bit lately - thought I better cut back.

I think you have hit the nail on the head - as soon as the Left got violent at the 'NO' rallies - they LOST!

Our silent majority does not tolerate senseless violence and will not be bullied into voting a particular way.

Add this to the Christians and Muslims who were never going to vote YES - I predict now that it will be an overwhelming 'NO' vote - and the Leftest are going to be screaming to high-hell that we are a country of bigoted homophobes. In the end though - they have pushed for this at the wrong time and treated the average Australian with contempt.

And if all this wasn't enough - the leftists in parliament appear to have got ahead of themselves and started throwing 'gender fluidity' into the debate - naturally the right in parliament has focused on this issue - and this is the final nail in the coffin!

NO wins - 80%

You heard it here first.


I reckon a competition with predictions would be a humdinger of an idea. $1 entry, winning guess takes all, no winner the house takes all.

All this vote seems to be doing is shoving things in the faces of people who have no real interest or care what relationship somebody chooses and that's bound to have some people saying NO, just because the opinion was asked.

A marriage is a choice between two people. Nobody should have to beg or fight for the permission to do it and it is no business of the rest of the country who you choose to have a relationship with. I have a feeling that most people also wouldn't care if they just turned around and said we're letting gay people get married. What they don't like is having all this campaigning, gossiping, threats and guilt trips being shoved in their faces.

Don't let a handful of extremists persuade your judgment. I had a huge problem with the plebiscite based solely on how much it would cost.

[ ] Change the marriage act
[ ] Don't change the marriage act
[x] Repeal the marriage act.

dont worry mate, everything is okay and the left is always right, even when there wrong, and if you have a different opinion, your labeled intolerant, rasist homophobic , nazi , white supremisist , evil anything, no discussion tho, cos thats out of there frame of mind..

Hi good Post,Please Follow Me @ibrahim-ats

Thats a well thought out post. What I really love is is the picture of you and your buddies at a bucks night!!

thats why we work at the.....YMCA

the question is though, which one is me?

@gohba.handcrafts Interesting Tale. Hope you obtain what you would like from this job. Have got a pleasant working day. Upvoted.

G'day. I heard we are voting on 230 different pieces of legislation that will be passed by parliament if the vote is yes. The question itself is quite simple a nd most people would not be opposed but the Devil is in the Detail.

Where is the legislation and why are we not allowed to see it before voting??????

Because shut your stupid mouth and vote Yes, you hateful bigot.

G'day. I nearly took that seriously until I picked up on the!

It's a different dynamic here. Friends are lucrative, and enemies are expensive.
If something can be taken two ways, assume the best :)

Exactly! I'm used to contradiction. I come from the really old days .... where a cunt was somebody who didn't buy you a

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@gohba.handcrafts I've recognized that when it appears to be like terrible, just stepping absent for your moment would make all the primary difference on the earth.

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