Keep on Steeming - Dont faulter

With the market taking a massive turd all over out weekly earnings, many people have dropped off of Steem in search of other ways to make a quick buck.

But this is a daft thing to do. Steemit has never been about making a quick buck, its about the long game.

During the current period where earnings are reduced, it starts to sort out the chaff from the weeds. The committed players stick around and keep plugging out articles, this then has a better chance of been noticed by the larger accounts and possibly building relationships that can serve you well into the next bull run.

As I've always preached, Steemit is a SOCIAL media. You have to build the following, you have to be social and earn your readers. Once you've got those followers you need to retain them. Then and only then will you start seriously earning from Steemit.

So ignore the payout figures and the value of Steem in the open market. Just keep creating content and building those relationships. It will be one of the best investments you can make.


Images sourced from Google Images


Well said Gohba 👌 Especially the massive turd part 💩 😁

I'm with ya bud. I'm here because it's fun even when my posts dont make much, whatever I get is just a bonus 👍😎

Well said mate. Consistency really is key.

That's the plan! Preach on, no point in cashing out now at pennies on the eventual dollar.

Crypto downturns are a good learning experience for millennial Australians (more specifically those born after early 90s in Australia) because it shows them that not everything moves up on a 45 degree line and living standards don't perpetually move up and things like GDP might one day (and probably sooner rather than later) have a contraction rather than just keep expanding.

Falter doesn't have a u :D

I was going to say something about doesn't this down thing happen periodically but then also remembered we have new people regularly who may not know these things.


Good advice mate. It's time to consolidate.

Yep, I try not to even look at my wallet these days, just do what I want to do. Honestly, I have more time to get around and check in on my friends so there is an upside to the downturn for me!

Well said for me it’s easy my payouts have never been big but I am here for the long game

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