I live in the Australian Capital for Dole Budgers

So according to the latest statistics from the Department of Human Services, Caboolture on the north side of Brisbane is the national leader in dole bludgers.

A quick recap for all our America friends, a Dole Bludger is basically a Social Security or Welfare cheat. Someone who refuses to get a job and knows how to work the system so that they never had to work.

Everyone in Queensland know that Caboolture is a hot-spot for bogans and welfare cheats. There are streets that are just no go zones it you want to keep your wallet and property. There's very high unemployment (even though we do have good job prospects and reasonable public transport), and drugs are a major problem.

Now the Federal government is looking to crack down on this cheating, and I welcome the move. But stopping payments isn't going to fix the problem, its just going to push it somewhere else. The problem can only be fixed with a holistic, multi-departmental approach.

If we stop payments, there is a high likelyhood of increased crime, increased illegal activities such as drug dealing and prostitution and possibly even suicide. This would not be ideal as it will lead to other services such as the judiciary and health sectors having to pick up the slack.

The different sectors need to work together to make bludging almost impossible. It all starts with the Judiciary, if the courts ACTUALLY punished people, there wouldn't be a feeling on the street that you can get away with it.
But it has to go a step further in the Judiciary sector by making the corrective services sector tougher. We have all the leftie tree huggers out there saying that its inhumane that a convicted rapist has to sit in his cell without a PS4 and air conditioning. This is just plain wrong. When prison is a holiday camp, it doesn't deter people from committing crime or encourage them to get a job.

Ok so we've got the Judiciary side sorted, the policing side is already pretty sweet. The police will now have their spirits lifts because the criminals they arrest will actually be punished, this makes their job much easier. Ultimately, crime should realistically drop so the police force can focus on other tasks.
Also, the health system will see a reduced rate of violence, drug overdoses, unwanted pregnancies from teen prostitues etc. This allows the health budget to be spent on better facilities, reducing wait times etc.

So now we have sorted out the big stick, but we of course need the carrot for those on the dole. But this carrot is not just for that small group on the dole, its for the nation in general.
Personal income tax is the biggest wet blanket in the economy. Those that dont earn much are being taxed to a point that its not worth trying very hard. As well as those that want to earn more for their family to get ahead, they jump to a much higher tax bracket and their additional work is all taxed away.

Instead, this is where the GST or a CONSUMPTION tax is much more realistic. If you keep personal income tax low, it allows a family to have the opportunity to spend more money within our economy. This is a much fairer system of tax. The more you want to spend, the more you pay in tax. The millionaires buying their champagne and caviar have to fork out the same tax for luxuries as Mr Jones buying his bread and milk. But the millionaire will in effect pay much more tax than poor Mr Jones as he is consuming more.

So lets look at what we've done so far. We've made bludging and committing crimes a real nightmare, and jail is now no longer a holiday camp.
The workers are much happier and WANTING to strive for more because they aren't loosing all their money in tax.
The welfare budget has been slashed.
The healthcare budget doesn't have to keep increasing and can be used to help keep everyone healthy.
The police budgets are more effectively being used.

So what do we do with all that extra money we have? INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS!!!!!
That's right, we spend that money building the nation into a powerhouse, which in turn creates more jobs. These new jobs allows for greater spending by the worker, which collects more money in GST which then builds more infrastructure and investment.

For too long, the government has been looking at welfare cheats from the wrong angle. If they step back and re-evaluate things, by not only using the stick, but also giving some carrot, this country will absolutely explode.

Will this ever happen? Unlikely. To do this will mean a small majority, the one with the loudest and most annoying voice will be disadvantaged. Politicians are for some reason scared of these people.

Thanks for reading, I'd love to discuss this more with anyone if your interested, I'm occasionally on Steemspeak, feel free to add me if you want a chat. Be sure to follow and upvote and a resteem never goes astray as well.


I'm starting to like your political posts now XD

Your reasoning seems pretty sound to me, I've had similar thoughts independently but never consciously tied into coherence like that.

Thank you sir, I'm glad you're liking my work now. Hopefully you see fit to resteem a few to help get my view across.

Totally agree, I think that a good fix for the dole bludgers would be to issue them with either vouchers/some sort of debit card. These vouchers/cards should only be accepted at certain places - for example supermarkets or petrol stations. I believe a similar idea was proposed in the Northern Territory at one stage but I never heard how successful it was, but I'm sure with a bit of fine tuning it could certainly be an effective approach.

This is similar to the Food Stamp cards in the U.S.. What occurs with that, is that people create a black economy of trading Food Stamp purchases for products that they can't normally buy using the Food Stamp cards. For example, I will buy your groceries if you buy me some alcohol.

People who are working within the rules do what is right, but those who do not want to work within the rules find ways around it.

Hi Heff. That system does exist in some areas, its not well received as they feel that they are "Entitled" to the money and should be allowed to spend it on anything they want.
They aren't entitled to anything, the system is there to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. Not to buy smokes or grog.
Thanks for taking the time to reply mate.

Ah yes, I thought so. Yes, I suppose the people who are in that situation are the ones who would instantly take offence to such proposals - but hey, you can't please everyone.
No worries, anytime.

A worthy post! Thank you

Haha, nice work cobba! @gohba.handcrafts

Thanks @crytpodog greatly appreciate mate.

giiday gob- i am aussie and found you on team austrlia and am now following you too -D

Thanks champ.
Following you as well now

Thanks for pointing me to this articles of yours. I consider myself a socialist but that does need mean I want to give the homeless a warm blanket and their next shot of H. Your idea of shifting taxes to consumption is an idea that I thought about some time already. It would eliminate a lot of possibilities for the super rich to avoid taxes. Your firm is officially in another country? No problem, you still got to pay our taxes if you buy in our country.

It was a good read, as a curator tho, I have to ask you to credit the pictures you used. I will keep in an eye on what you wrote for my next "What I read in politics today".

Thanks mate.
You are right, I do need to do better crediting.

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