How to talk Money with Kids

As part of Financial Services week, the Financial Planners Association Australia has released a bunch of content that I'm able to share with you good folks.

This ebook is centred on how to talk about money with your kids, its broken up into age groups as they realise that its not a 1 size fits all solution.

There is a big push on at the moment to educate kids on finance, much more so than the Commonwealth Bank ever did with their Dolomites program. There are actually some planner out there that are actively lobbying to get those crooks out of the schools all together.

Check out the book HERE. Yes you do need to put in your name and email address, nothing I can do about that I'm sorry.



@gohba.handcrafts, thanks for the great post, that's so true for everything in life actually, we are endoctrinated by our familly and surroudings at a young age to perceive the different aspect of our society and behavior in a particular way. In my opinion, the first thing to tell them is that money is a socialtal choice and not mendatory to life on earth, a social contract to embed 'value' on a human-invented unit of measure. Then we should teach them about how money came about and the modern banking system, and all the financial system that determines what social contract you have to abide to in order to use that human-invented unit of measure. Then, make sure they don't measure their success or pose judgement on others based on how much money they have but on who they are the impact they are hoping to have on the world. I cannot wait to get this e-book. Thanks a lot for sharing.

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