Brisbane Airport

Most Australians would be aware that Brisbane Airport is the first airport to be fully integrated to have all retailers accepting crypto.
But as I spoke to the check out chuck at red rooster this morning she said she’s only ever had 1 person use it so far at her store.

I would have used some to pay for my breakfast but it was a company meal and I doubt my boss would want me to claim 0.000089 bitcoin on my expense claim.
Plus I have no coins available in a wallet on my phone to use easy.
Maybe if someone wants to send me some then I’ll do a follow up post tomorrow with buying a coffee.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Hope more peaple start to use it soon and build up momentum.

I just hope they put Steem back on their list.

That would be awesome if they do.

Wouldn't the transaction fees kill any profit? I feel like that wouldn't work nearly as nicely as users would like...

yeah I wonder about that as well. Its ok with good coins like LTC etc where the fees are miniscule, but with BTC being so slow and expensive it could be a real let down.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64572.94
ETH 2630.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82