Today is the first day in ages I haven't even checked CoinMarketCap

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

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Today is the first day in, probably over a year, when I haven't checked to see what's happening.


Because I've been so engrossed in the shenanigans going on in Australian politics that I just forgot. And even now, I'll check my twitter feed before I go to

Part of me feels somehow liberated, because I have kicked my addiction.

Part of me feels incredulous at the ineptitude of the current conservative (Liberal) government. Absolutely hopeless - and that's the verdict of even their cheer squad of commentators in all the Rupert Murdoch newspapers. (Yes I know, liberals are supposed to be... liberal. Well, these guys didn't see the memo - or couldn't read it).

I'm no fan of the Liberal Party at the best of times, but even I'm amazed at how hopeless this mob are. Like I said, they've been so entertaining that I've forgotten totally about crypto for a bit (except for Steemit 🙃).

And I'm even disappointed for our country.

We all deserve better than these clowns.

And I, like most Australians, can't wait for the next election.

Thank the gods we're a democracy, and we can vote these idiots out.

Normal programming will resume tomorrow.

May all beings be happy.

Photos by



@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


Register for Universal Basic Income here:

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Find myself checking hourly most of the time.

I'm the same ! (not the Australian politics part).

There is definitely a correlation between the rising steem price, and the frequency of coinmarketcap, clicks

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 64344.88
ETH 2629.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83