
What if I make it to Panama before @bulleth does? :p

Hmm. There's a good chance you would actually show up. I know you're in general area.

I'm across the Gap and will probably head south, but still...

I think this is a fair question, also we need to ensure she shares the story about the immigration officer.

This was fun! I really couldn't guess the right one xD

I haven't guessed anyone's yet. It's hard when you don't really know anyone in real life.

Choo Girl, wow. I'm speechless. Your life is more than a thousand moons of adventures. Men are dogs. Sorry to hear about cheaters. True love is a great thing and is out there for people. My brother married a woman from Honduras. Haven't been to South America but would love to. Heard Hitler went to Argentina according to the History Channel. I was in Vietnam. You have fun adventures. Cricket seems fun but my cup of tea is basketball.

"Your life is more than a thousand moons of adventures", thanks, I really like that. Also, no men have taken a bite out my leg, unlike an actual dog. :)

I was once bit in the knee by a dog if that counts for anything hehe. Are men trying to bite out your legs? Is your leg made of gold or chocolate? Please show me hehe.

No, no one has tried biting my legs since that day. :)

Maybe they will someday.

The dog died after eating a piece of your leg ....hmmm...coincidence ? I don't believe so LoLminuscule.png

Lol. There were a couple of years in between the two events. But I like where your mind went!

I wouldn't have said that to someone who has no humour indeed ;-)

Haha! Love the truth or lie!!

"I flashed a boob at Mitchell Johnson at the cricket"- lol!! I guess you had an affect on him since his career changed from that point!!😄
Since you have a bad feeling about boats- I can understand you didnt see the movie Titanic! 😁
(But i must say tgat i loved that movie!!)

Nice to know you a bit better @choogirl!! 😘🤗
Have a great week!

Thanks! Yeah, as much as I liked your review the other day, that cruise is not something that interests me all that much.

Lol:) yea, I thought so! But I appreciate your support for the review😉🤗!

Hahaha this was such a great and entertaining read!!

I'm bummed I missed the chance to guess which one but I wouldn't have gotten it right anyway. I don't know what I find more amusing, the one where you dated the immigration officer or the fact you flashed your boob at Mitchell Johnson!! That takes GUTS or....liquid courage ;)

Hilarious post, thanks for sharing!

Hahaha. Thank you! Yeah, liquid courage in the form of XXXX Gold is probably where that came from.

Dammit, I keep guessing wrong on everyone’s lies. That’s 3 strikes of 3! And there’s a reward?! How did I not know this? I would have studied the situation harder, did some further analysis, and prayed to the guessing gods.

Also, who’s this guy who won’t come to Panama to marry you and banging stuff?!

Let me think on this problem for you.


(Thinking harder...)

(Praying to the dating gods)

Did it work Ms Choo?

And well, I get it with Titanic, I just wasn’t motivated for some reason. The more people raved, the less I cared. When I did watch on vid, I loved it. I’m not a fan of Quentin Tarantino either. There’s something about his depiction of violence that I don’t enjoy.

Finally, you looked to have led a full life to date, so that’s a wonderful and entertaining read. :)

Lol. I'm pretty sure bulleth lives with his girlfriend, it's just an ongoing joke we have. I don't want to get married anyway. Mostly cos I don't want to give some guy half my money in the divorce!

Yes! On Quentin Tarantino, that's exactly how I feel.

We used to live without cars, it was much nicer and so much cheaper. Then we were down to only one, heaven, but now I have had to get my own car again as @winstonalden has his dream job in the city and has to drive to the train to take train into city (Oh USA why is your train/public transport so lacking except in large cities?)
When I am in EU/UK I love being car free! But it is so much easier there to get around by train and foot.

I would say Australia is between Europe and the US in terms of not needing a car. I always lived within a 10km radius of the city centre, so getting around by bike/ public transport was generally ok. If you live in some of the outer suburbs though, it becomes a lot harder. Regional towns/cities are also harder. It's definitely not as bad as the US, but I do miss the seamlessness of Europe!

Thank you for the nice insight on your life story. Very nice move on, stay happy keep your promising lifestyle.

Well, damn, you've lived a wild and interesting life, full of adventure and blood and no meat. But you've never lived until you've dumped a guy you were engaged with that you found out was cheating on you!

Er. So I hear. Maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Lol, you've summed up my life perfectly Neg. I think I'll be ok not being engaged to a cheater. That sounds like drama I don't need plus no one wants to read sob stories on steemit. Fun stories about dog bites and boob flashes are way more interesting!

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