
I did yoga. For about 5 mints. I was bad at it. :)

Lol. Clearly you gave it your best shot.

yay ! I'm so happy I connected with you in PAL .. we have a quite a bit in common lol! I too love yoga, although I'm not as advanced as you I have a lot of fun! and I absolutely love acroyoga !! your awesome @choogirl keep up the awesome journey ! definitely a new friend:)

Thanks @stevenalexander. I am following you too. See you in discord.

Can't wait until the day when I can say I've been doing yoga for that long! Wonderful story. :)

Great post @choogirl! I love yoga, but acroyoga is so cool. Hope to see more of your posts.

I love your story. I love Yoga too! My first class was 6 months ago and I am 55 but it has been life changing!

That's awesome. You're never too old to start yoga I say.

I can't do that lol

Nice.. I wish I had that flexibility! (but yes I know everyone's journey is there own lol) Ashtanga is great isnt it.. when people give me crap about sitting around hugging each other and singing kumbaya I invite them to an ashtanga class :) (Not a real workout they think pfffft!)

I know! Yoga is hard. People who think it's sitting around doing sweet F.A. have no idea.

Hm, I apparently do a lot of yoga when stretching and did a lot when I was doing circus, and a few of the gymnastics holds are yoga poses too. I love how things entertwine XD I feel similarly about kung fu as you do about yoga :) Sounds like you had a fun time at the workshop, and don't worry about feeling like a noob, the better people can just help you get better too ;D

Yeah there does appear to be a slight crossover with all these things. Makes sense though really, since it's all stretching and strength building when you boil it down.

Wow you are flexible babe 😉
Lord Percy might say something dodgy but not me!
My Mrs is a big yoga fan and goes regularly, I tried it once and it is unbelievably hard and to be honest a work out. Most people think you're sitting around going ommmmmm ommmmmm, but that's not true.
Nice post Choo Choo

Lol. Yes, well there is a reasonable amount of omming that goes on too.

Awesome post!! I would love to go try sometime!! It looks pretty intimidating (for me at least) haha :) But everyone I know that does yoga seems to love it!!

You should give it a go Hannah. My advice would be try a few different styles/teachers until you find a class you like. Don't give up on yoga if you don't like the first one. There's something for everyone with yoga.

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