My New Place

in #teamaustralia6 years ago

Yo yo my Steemies, wattup?

So, I've moved, and set up my room.

In this vlog, I give you a guided tour of the new setup, and give you some bonus editing of the trip between.

Please enjoy.


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gald to see you settled in Boba!

A long overdue change I think. Good opportunity to ditch some shit too :)

Great times ahead for you. I'm glad to hear you got all moved. I was freaking out a bit riding alone on the other side of the road. Your space is looking awesome.

Thanks bro, I'll record some high speed manoeuvres for you then, in another vlog :)

So you ended up moving into a sharehouse? Glad you sorted the situation out. When is Peru coming into focus?

Thanks bro, I was stuck in fixing the problem, instead of looking for alternate solutions. I should have moved out of there long before :)
The date for Peru hasn't changed. Still Sept next year.
Anything could happen between now and then to boost it along, so no point extending the date :)

Glad to hear that your happy with your new place. Yeah change is good. Moving to Peru! interesting!

Yes, the move to Peru will be the big one :)
This was just a warm up :)

Awesome. Congrats man. :)

Cheers man, glad it's over :)

New and better coming now eheheh :)

Hell I cant wait untill I move this year. I don't care about the struggles, I want new place.

Where you moving to?

Oh I don't know yet. We are going on vacation and I'm back after a month. And when I'm back I'm moving as soon as I looked at my options. So first see what I can afford, then, I'm moving. But I don't know where. I don't like England for the immigration problem, so no there. Maybe Spain or France ... probably Spain. The Netherlands is also a good choice. But I won't be planning anything either way because my financial situation can change drastically when I return. Might be bad, might be good, I don't know yet.

What would you like to happen ?

The ideal situation for me would be that, when I come back, I find an very cheap place in the Netherlands or close to it, where I can stay for a year. In that year, I design and build my own Tiny House, around the same place, close to the Netherlands. And after that year, I would move into my Tiny House. That would be the perfect situation for me. So yeah, I like the Netherlands, and I like Tiny Houses, so that would be great for me.

I could live in a shed, as long as it had wi-fi :P

I wish I could do that. Well, not a shed, but a tiny house in the woods. Just chilling in nature. But in most European country's, that is illegal. And if it is not illegal, they put so many rules in place that just to stay in between the lines, you have to pay the same price as if you were to build a mansion. Having internet is not hat important to me, but also it isn't that hard to have internet nowadays. But we will see what I could do when I'm back.

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