Green tea | Negative Effects?

in #tea6 years ago

Green tea is a miracle for you body, but be careful with the side effects of it. This kind of tea has become the most popular beverage in the world, after water, of course.

We all probably know it’s miraculous effects, but not many of us are aware of it’s negative effects if not consumed properly.


Green tea is so popular because of it’s positive effects, being used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, prevention of cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease.

It also accelerates your metabolism and helps burning the fats in your organism. Let’s not forget about it’s result in the treating of cardiovascular diseases and rheumatoid arthritis.

This tea is amazing because it can be used in the treatment of chronic tiredness, and it’s helpful for concentration. If you need help when you have to study, drink green tea instead of coffee.

The effect is not as strong, but it lasts longer. And if you drink it on a regular basis, you’ll age slower. Pollution, cigarette smoke, exhaust gases, ultraviolet rays, they all have a contribution in our aging process, but green tea slows that down.

If you want green tea to have a maximum effect, leave it to infuse not longer than 3 minutes.

But pay attention to the side effects, which result from the high caffeine content. Usually, a cup of green tea contains 30 mg of caffeine. The rule is not to drink it excessively: 3-4 cups a day are more than enough.

If you drink more than 5-6 cups a day, it’s possible for you to have an unregular heartbeat, insomnia, dizziness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea and a loss of appetite.

More importantly, if you suffer from a heart disease, drinking green tea in high quantities can lead to side effects such as anxiety, panic attacks, renal diseases or stomach pain.

I am not drinking green tea.


That's why i always drink Beer!

I am drinking too but beer has also a lot of negative effects :p

I know Ionut... it does also a lot of negative effects but I see only the positive and good ones when it comes to beer!😉
Iti doresc o dupa-amiaza placuta!

Ha, I'm currently drinking around 330mg caffeine per day.

If green tea has 30mg per cup, that would be.. around 11 cups per day.

I would need to pee quite much to get the current caffeine intake with only green tea.

I am drinking 3 coffees a day so I think it s enough caffeine

During the leisure time I drink tea which is very much a thank you for posting so beautiful a tea in my very favorite, which is not very helpful for our health, when we drink tea when we drink tea, There is very little in the food so we should drink in the middle of the day I hope to post many other beautiful and important postings We will be with you, we are with you

I have been told to drink green tea for ages but with all the good I have heard about green tea there also has to be some bad with it. Nothing is all good. Everything in moderation I say.

Might be the possible cause for my insomnia.
Will now try with lower quantity to see the difference.

This kind of #Tea good for health.

Hello, are these negatives effects supported by medical experts? I mean, what are the basis of these information? who conducted the study?

wow green tea i like it.

Top 5 benefits of Green Tea .
Check this out to better know about Green Tea benefits.

  1. It Helps With Weight Loss
    Green tea gives the metabolism a boost and it also reduces appetite a little. Tests have shown that green tea extract increases fat burning during exercise as well as giving a slight increase in energy output during the day. So it can help you lose weight, but only as part of an overall weight loss plan of healthy eating and exercise.

  2. It Reduces The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease And Stroke
    The more green tea you drink the less likely you are to die from all causes, but this is especially true of cardiovascular disease and stroke. In tests the best results were seen in those who drank 5 or more cups per day; but even just one cup per day will have a positive effect.

Green tea helps to reduce your total and LDL cholesterol levels, whilst increasing HDL slightly. It also improves blood flow and platelet function, and so helps to prevent clotting (thrombosis) from occurring, which can lead to stroke.

  1. It Slows Cognitive Decline In The Elderly
    EGCG and other polyphenol antioxidants can cross the blood-brain barrier to protect the brain from free radical damage. Tests have shown that drinking just one cup per day can have a very significant effect in this area.

Regular green tea consumption may also enhance memory and learning in people of all ages.

  1. It Improves Dental Health
    The catechin polyphenols in green tea have antibacterial properties, so it can help to prevent or reduce bad breath, plaque build-up and gum disease by killing the bacteria responsible for these conditions. It also increases the acid resistance of tooth enamel and helps to prevent tooth decay. And it can help to prevent food poisoning too.

  2. . It May Reduce The Risk Of Certain Cancers
    EGCG appears to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and so it may reduce the risk of developing certain cancers such as prostate, liver, oesophageal and colorectal cancers. And drinking 4 – 5 cups per day may slow down the development of these cancers. However research in this area is somewhat conflicting so you should not rely on this as a way to protect against cancer.

Apart from all this, green tea also helps to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, as well as improving skin elasticity. It helps protect against bone loss and rheumatoid arthritis. It improves immune function, and it slightly reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

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