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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

in #tdv7 years ago (edited)

@framelalife - I'll 2nd what you said & I have no idea if he's a scammer or not, I can only talk about MY experiences.

Back in 2006 I posted a negative review of this young copywriter.

Within a year there was a site up claiming I was a fraudster & a scammer.

Then anyone who got pissed off at me would go onto these 2 blogs & post how terrible a person I am. I'm not of course, but only a person who knows me & is sane themselves would know that.

Of course Google allowed these blogs (they are on their blogspot servers) to stay up, & fought us on the IP addresses for the defamers' accounts.

The defamers hid their IPs by using one at York University in Toronto.

In my opinion, yes many Canadians are VICIOUS online. I get cyber stalked by a scam mortgage broker min. once per year & she's been doing it since 2009.

The other IP was out of some Eastern EU country (I'd have to look it up.)

Obviously, that was done behind a VPN.

You know someone is a shady when they hide behind a VPN or a public untraceable computer to write a supposed TRUTHFUL blog post & this was done back in 2007 when most people didn't even know what VPNs were.

And then years later I pieced together some facts that this kid must have hacked or hired someone to hack into one of my blogs where my review of him was because I realized that ALL of the posts about copywriters (there was at least 3) were deleted.

Nothing else was deleted, just those posts.

My point is, most humans are liars & more & more people have become chronic liars.

It's sooo easy to lie online.

I'm honest to a fault (except when it comes to corrupt power that can ruin my life) & I lie maybe once or twice a year if that.

Unfortunately honesty doesn't get you anywhere, as most people don't WANT honesty because it scares them.

Only a truly honest person appreciates honesty.

The things people get away with online are HORRIFIC.

I learned all about this area of the net where people defame others.

Disgruntled employees, the competition, ex-wives, students that got bad grades & went after a teacher by lying & saying she molested him/her (I can't remember).

That was before I knew all about how EVIL CORPS spread lies about anyone who crosses their path, & of course all the politicians who lie about their competition or people they need to discredit.

This shit is DANGEROUS & makes me sick to my stomach.

AND the American law, which seems to be the ONLY law that matters online, allows it because of some archaic law back in the 1700's, I think it was, that says you can post a warning about someone & attach it to a tree.

Well the Internet is NOT a tree, it allows the ENTIRE world to see the lies spread about you.

I don't even trust the Rip Off Report because the owner is a scammer himself. He was known for encouraging posters to use vicious words like scammer, fraudster, criminal, etc.

He's all about sensashionalism.

He's also know for extorting money from companies trying to get them to pay thousands to remove negative reviews.

Every company who's taken him to court has lost due to this TERRIBLE American law that allows people to defame people online.

Other rating sites like "Yelp" & "The Yellow Pages," do the same thing, but on a smaller monetary scale.

He has no fixed address because he's constantly being hunted by companies he's hurt.

He also refuses to remove posts if the poster wants to remove them afterward.

One woman who was clearly a bit emotionally unstable based on her numerous postings, spent years stressing herself out trying to get the post about her ex-husband taken down. She posted it in the heat of the moment & regretted it later on.

The ONLY companies who can get this shit taken down are medium to large corporations who have money.

Small companies or even just regular people who got defamed are almost always SOL.

One woman DID win a case, but she's in AUS where the laws don't allow people to just go around defaming people without PROOF.

She went after Google (I hate them) & won because she proved she couldn't get a job due to the lies spread about her online.

That teacher I found out about lost her job & was NEVER able to get another teaching position all because of what the kid(s) did to her.

Like I said, I had to learn all about this BS when this happened to me.

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