Grand jury decision on the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor.

in #taylor4 years ago


I see four types of justice: distributive, retributive, corrective and restitutive.

Distributive justice is the one most people think about, and it's basically what political philosophy has always been about.

Distributive justice is about the fair distribution of benefits and burdens. It means allocating resources justly.

Retributive justice is the deserved punishment for crimes. It involves giving criminals what they deserve.

Corrective justice is the reestablishment of social harmony. It means restoring what has been unjustly disrupted.

And restitutive justice is about making things right after an injustice has been committed.

This is one of those areas where I don't want to rock the boat; but, although Breonna Taylor's death was a tragedy and an absolute evil, we're not going to arrest the cops involved, we shouldn't arrest the cops involved, and it wouldn't be justice if we did.

There's this thing called Ex Post Facto. Constitutionally, it would be breaking the law to arrest people for laws that didn't exist when they were allegedly violated.

I hate that the war on drugs even exists. I hate that no knock raids exist. I've dealt with this stuff for years. There has been movement for reform, which is a form of justice.

Getting rid of Ex Post Facto laws isn't justice, it's horror. It's the keys to despotism.

Even if it weren't, who are you going to arrest? You love to talk about the systems. The ultimate causes of Taylor's murder was the government itself. Do you want to throw the government in jail? I personally wouldn't object to that so long as we're not replacing it with anything else. I have a feeling that most of you aren't ready to commit to that.

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