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in #taxes6 years ago (edited)

This is a Rumi story and shouldn't be confused with something else...


The next thing anyone knew about Rumi was that he was thinking apart from himself and growing a beard with chickens in the cow shed and gasoline smells for breakfast on his motorbike up and down the road.

In the middle of the night the tax man raided him and took away his motorbike for evidence. He was very upset about this.

Two years later they said he owed them ten times as much now in interest and so sold his motorbike to pay the fees. He was still not happy about this.

And then one day his beard fell into the mud at his feet and that’s when he knew things were going from bad to worse.
So he sold the chickens for stew and bought himself a helicopter from Vietnam that only had one wheel.

He flew it over the trees for a while to get the feel of it, and then set off to find his motorbike, but the tax man heard him coming and so took his helicopter off of him. It was a nice helicopter and he liked it and didn’t want to lose it, but what can you do?

And then the tax man put him in prison for unpaid dues.

Years later, after his time in prison was up he went home and found the stew had gone cold, and it is right here that he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere.

So he hired a lawyer to look into his affairs and the lawyer found that he didn’t owe anything to the tax man.

The tax man said ok and used what they owed him to pay the fees for wasting their time.

So he didn’t get his motorbike back, or his helicopter, but at least he didn’t owe any taxes.

This all took another ten years to sort out and by this time he had gone and gotten very old.

The lawyer then put in his fees which were more than the said taxes were, and so he had to sell everything to pay the lawyer’s fees.

Rumi felt deflated after all this and decided to go see a shrink…

End of part 57

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Sometimes there is no need to make stuff up, I am sure this is someone's true story some where.

Actually, most of my writing is taken from real life

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