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RE: Steem Taxes

in #taxes7 years ago

Yea. Paying taxes based on the usd value when received has the potential to fuck you. Since Steem could be ZERO after Hardfork ## implodes the system. I'm gonna run it by a tax attorney anyway.


I'm going to run it by my tax cat-torney and see what she thinks.

Like... You are going to ask your cat?


Hey cat! Do I pay taxes on steem earnings?




Wait. Stupid cat. Was that a no?

licks ass

(cat will probably be more knowledgeable than actual tax attorney)



Finally, someone laughed. :)

Plus you don't have to pay the cat! Well, maybe give it a treat, which costs money. Plus you have to feed them every day, and pay for flea and worming treatments, and pay vet bills when they get hurt....... I'll take the attorney :D

Yeah...but if you're petting an attorney while it sits on your lap, people are going to think you're weird.

That look pretty much says it all :-)

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