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RE: Valuing Steem Rewards As Taxable Income Is A Vast Overstatement Of Tax Liability - Part 2 - The Thin Order Book & Flash Crashes

in #taxes7 years ago

Thank you ! Thank you!

Image courtesy of pixbay


I'm pretty new to the whole e currency world, but have done taxes since the early 70's, taken some courses and worked as an accountant and so on my whole life.

Your article is one of the best tax discussions I've seen on Steemit.

This is new territory for the IRS too! Of course they want to extract as much $$$ from the taxpayers as possible but believe it or not they are generally open to real discussion (think debate competition) and the "You must maintain a consistent tax reporting strategy that is internally logical and consistent if you wish to rely on the "good faith" clause to avoid penalties in the future" is the crux.

As stocks, derivatives, bonds , and all the other myriad investments and their comes developed over time so did the policies.

Right now we are in the same boat! The policies are in the formative stages, some in place and some being thrown out there to see how we, the people, react.

So fellow Steemers, be careful and understand that there will be taxes...



Well said! They will take from us everything that we voluntarily hand them. It is up to all of us to "fight" (debate) our way to a fair tax liability.

Every time someone overpays their taxes, the IRS is game-theoretically correct to try and take just a little more from all of us. Why not, if we won't defend ourselves?

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