One rant to rule them all :)

in #taxation7 years ago (edited)

Keep in mind, I'm giggling now, and I was giggling when I wrote the below. Yesterday, I posted a meme on Farcebook, and got a reply to it which prompted a rant. Hope you'll enjoy :)

(Names excluded for privacy)

Original meme:


Some "governmenty" Dude: Without the #taxes, there would be no miltary, no feasible law enforcement, no education programmes, no social welfare programmes, no health care programmes, and so on. #Deal with it.

Me: let's see

The #military is empire building. How many bases around the world now?

Law enforcement is out of control (they are no longer #peace officers).

#Education system is garbage (there are a lot of people graduating high school who are barely able to read, much less reason).

Government #Welfare keeps people poor, dependent, and destitute rather than build them up.

#Socialized Health care is a form of control. It edges out alternative therapies that can't be patented. Also it's a playground for companies like Serco to abuse government contracts (oh yes, the UK government subcontracts services in the health care industry to corporations).

and so on... it's all #theft and #misappropriation and enrichment of the corporatists.

The absence of taxes (extortion) also does not equal the absence of these services.

I'm sorry for wanting to keep what I earn and, I don't know, apply it to programs that aren't completely morally bankrupt. Because I really do want to see good things in this world, but the government misappropriates the funds to dole out to their connected buddies. Or, with the money I earn, I could in fact employ someone very comfortably at a high wage full time (with benefits) with the amount that I pay to a bunch of crooks and #congress critters who don't know me nor do they have my best interests in mind (nor do they have anyone's interests except their own in mind).

I no longer wish to give my hard-earned money to a pack of wolves in Washington (or whatever gaggle of thugs in whatever country there are) who enrich the military industrial complex, the pharmaceutical industry, and let's not forget paying those "national" (read: private) banks the gobs of interest on the national #debt that's up to what, 20+ trillion now? (Not counting the unfunded liabilities in the hundreds of trillions).

Oh, and I'm tired of supporting the corporate welfare queens who refuse to sink or swim on their own merits and flaws. Rather they rely on regulatory capture, lucrative contracts, and subsidies. Unlike the common people in business who succeed or fail despite governments doing nothing for their prosperity and extorting massive amounts of their money.

I shall not "deal with it."

It's #injustice and blatant #robbery on a grand scale that makes society poorer, overall.

Plus, the meme was cute :)

The truth does not abide by my wishes. The #truth simply is.

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