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RE: Taxation is Still Theft

in #tax5 years ago

You don't know anything about imperialism or the current state of latin america, africa, or the middle east. Not to mention climate change displacing populations in these regions. You're so ignorant of anything real that it makes me cringe reading these fantasy novels.


On the contrary, I am well aware of imperialism. The USA has been an imperialist power almost from its inception. That is one of the reasons I am anti-State. Latin America was subjected to colonial rule, won its independence in various places and at various times though a series of wars for independence from Spain, and established various governments. These governments were, as is typical with all governments, wholly corrupt. They have, to an extent, been subjected to foreign interventionism from the US and other countries. The US went to war with Mexico, overthrew various governments, and supported coups or dictators according to their whims over the years. However, it is absurd to blame the USA for Venezuela's collapse, for example. The Middle East has been a mess for at least a century, since World War 1. European and then later American powers redrew maps, installed puppet dictators, and so on there as well.

However, I want to know once and for all what you think any of this has to do with disproving my philosophy of free markets, decentralized power, and individual liberty. Instead of addressing my actual positions and evidence, you only create more strawman arguments and spew insults. You call it a "fantasy novel" to say that people by and large get along peacefully through trade and respect property rights. Yet despite global war by governments, that is how society still functions. You seem to think this warfare state can be made kinder and gentler if the right people get in power and impose policies you like from above. You seem to want to use its power to tax and coerce for your own ends, based on your suggestion that I vote for Bernie and your insistence that a nationalized monopoly health care system is a solution. You can't undermine the State by reinforcing it. That is truly a fantasy if that is indeed your position.

You want a solution? Disobedience to political authority. That has always been my first principle. However, we need to show people that the political authority is illegitimate for that to happen on a wide scale. I have repeatedly stated my support for voluntary solutions, including trade unions to handle unemployment and healthcare for workers, religious and secular charity for the poor, mutual aid societies, and the like because they have a track record for success. But this success is only possible through voluntary association and consumer choice, because that is anarchism in action.

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