What Does The Govern-cement Taking 50% of Your Money Really Mean?

in #tax6 years ago

The average person in The USSA is paying 50% in taxes if they have a full time job.

Those with high paying jobs are paying nearer 66% in taxes.

Of course they didn't take half of your money this last money extortion day, but if you add up all the taxes you paid, you will find it easily adding up to half of your money.

  • Income Tax, federal
  • Income Tax, state
  • Property Tax
  • Gas Tax
  • Sales Tax
  • Social Insecurity Tax
  • and a million other taxes you never even think about.
  • Inflation

So, stop and think about this.

If taxes were suddenly shut off, then every full time working person could hire another person to do whatever they thought would be nice, and maintain them at their same level of living.

You could hire a personal guard. (to protect you from the police)
Or you could hire a personal chef, or a gardener.
Or pay someone to clean up all the garbage they can find.
Or pay someone to think about free energy devices all day.
Or a painter, or a designer...

We could end unemployment tomorrow, just by banning the govern-cement.
How is that for helping the poor?

If you think of it in these terms, you learn just how wasteful govern-cement is.
The US govern-cement is the LARGEST employer, but are they employing half of the population?
They are taking half of the money!

- - - - - - -

But this is all a sham.
The entire structure.

Your money does not go to pay for the govern-cement.
It goes into a furnace.

You have heard for a long time that the FED prints money out of thin air, but few talk about the other half, money returned to the FED goes poof. Back into thin air.

All the money we send in literally gets thrown into a furnace, and then the govern-cement borrows all new dollars from the FED. You see, for a system to function it has to have real energy input. The FED isn't providing anything, so it is our collective effort that keeps the system going. Our real work is the energy. And 50% of your energy is being used to continue to keep money in existence.

Now, compare that with the hubbub about bitcoin using up more electricity than a dozen countries that do not, for the most part, have electric grids.

This entire structure is meant to keep people as poor as possible and chasing after "wealth" (the signs of wealth, not true wealth). The system, besides being used to bomb children in other countries, is literally there to destroy your productivity.

- - - - - - -

All images in this post are my own original creations.


The governments here control all the power companies and would laugh all the way to the bank if they encouraged mining and easy to-pay/reasonably calculated crypto gains taxes.

The banks could make extra profits with all of the transactions (into and out of Crypto) if they would just make it easy to use.

All of the money going into crypto that is being invested and taken out of the economy would come right back to forward thinking small businesses that used free POS appls (like http://palmpay.io/?)

That would take money from the furnace though and slow the production of cement walls to protect the 1% and governments.

Evolve or be left behind you dinosaurs!

And the most important part of cryptos is the money going into them is actually from the little person.
Although the big banks would love to get in, they can't even get their little toe in the pool.

It will be very nice to watch all the little ants just move around the dying dinosaur, while it flails helplessly.

Government is Mafia and Police are Highwaymen.
It's all a game, we need to stop playing.
Start with voting.
Voting is a game we are allowed to play every few years, you could vote for Micky Mouse and still get more of the same. if voting changed anything it would be illegal. If you must vote- VOTE “NONE OF THE ABOVE”.


Good to see that you are spreading the truth about how too much taxes we are paying.
I propose your proposal about not needing the government in our lives.
Well said and I support your position.

Thanks. The govern-cement is inefficient. Even worse, it is controlled by psychopaths.
So, we are getting the opposite of what we want. And paying heavily for it.

There must be an answer to change this extortion tax system under....what is the answer?

Well, it starts and ends with the people.
In The USSA, people pay their taxes.
In many other countries, people don't.

So, it will come about that taxes sent in will be sent in specific to support certain things.
No one will send in money for war, and they will just have to accept this, or get nothing.
This is the way it will come about.

I am puzzled.

You said "In The USSA, people pay their taxes. In many other countries, people don't."

Can you name a few of these "many countries?" If people in those other countries don't pay taxes, where does the cash needed to run their governments come from? Or are you referring to the fact that some people manage to hide part of their income (keep it off the books), which is not really the same as "not paying taxes"?

No, i mean that we in The US are a bit too honest, or a bit too trained.
Countries like Italy, the people just avoid paying taxes. They under report, they work under the table, they just don't file. The country can't really do anything. They don't have that many tax people or police.

Yes, French people do that, too. in France people think and say that paying taxes is something OTHER people should do;-).

The French government manages to rake in quite a lot anyway (and gives much of it to "poor" refugees who are more deserving than French "deplorables" ;-)

In some respects, Americans are a bit too trusting (politically unsophisticated).

Interesting topic friend, and very good conclusion, congratulations, greetings.

I think the Inpower movement https://inpowermovement.com and https://inpowermovement.com/watch-episode-2 gives us an excellent chance to fight back.

Get to know Max Igan ( The Crowhouse http://thecrowhouse.com ). Everyone should get to know Max https://steemit.com/@maxigan and LISTEN to what he has to say. A recent show on the coming 5G network and what it means for mankind https://steemit.com/activism/@maxigan/max-igan-5g-what-s-the-deal

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