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RE: An Update on Tauchain & Agoras (Exchange Listing + Interview Questions)

in #tauchain6 years ago

Knowing the fact that it cost more than a dollar for a coin which has no support from any exchange with big name it sounds like a little bit overpriced for me. Though like many, I don't understand the deep side of this project but I'm interested nonetheless. Maybe I should get some when the price is adjusted.


And if you think it is over priced and you sell then someone who understands what is being attempted can buy it for cheap. Feel free to sell to those who do understand.

Errr, I don't have any yet as of now.

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In that case you can take the chance to wait for the price to come down. I don't know who bought in before I did but I can't sell at the current price and market cap. People likely to sell at the current price probably bought in when it was around 50 cents? So yes it's a profit of maybe 2x or perhaps 3x?

If it goes back down to 50cents what it means is more chances for a diverse community to buy it. It's a great opportunity and one of those rare 1000x opportunities we saw with Ethereum or EOS or Bitcoin in 2009.

I think this will become increasingly clear once people see what the tech can do. Right now only programmers and people who spent years studying it can understand but hopefully our blog posts help it some.

The only similarity I can relate the current Tau with 2009 Bitcoin is, they are both hard to understand when they are/were cheap.

What are some of the biggest questions you have?

Simple, all the explanation about Tau is on theory/concept base. I need a practical picture like how the Tau is going to help the masses to reach consensus in a efficient way? Thru some algorithm yes, but how particularly? Is it a bunch of people discussing a same topic just like what we do here on Steem or Reddit and there is a bot behind keep calculating the latest consensus?

I just need to know how exactly this is going to be achieved.

Cool got it :)

I will stay away until we see what happens once a few exchanges pick it up. I dont think it will take more then few weeks to come to a solid decision as to what will happen after it starts getting traded.
Im sure there are some holders that are waiting to unload after the 2 year timeline news.

You would have to ask why these holders did not unload in Feb or Jan 2018? And if they just got in this year then yes it makes sense. I do think there will be selling but if you compare the market cap of AGRS to similar projects then you can see Tron, Neo, Tezos, all near or above 1 billion market cap.

If I take the most conservative estimate then I expect around $8 a token. This is conservative and that would be a market cap of "$336,000,000". That is around the market cap of Lisk, Decred, Nano, Bytecoin, Dogecoin, etc. So we are talking top 20-30 market cap for a price of $8.

Why would someone sell at a market cap of $42,000,000 or so? Of course I could be totally wrong as I cannot read the minds of buyers and sellers. So don't take anything I say too serious. I just think looking at the metrics if AGRS is even a little bit successful the price can be much higher than this due to there being only 42,000,000 tokens and even less will be liquid due to the reward bonus for not moving tokens.

What is questionable is what will the demand be? Even if there isn't a whole lot of selling it doesn't mean people understand what Tauchain even is.

The last sentence says it all and frankly 2 years from something tangable is just too long.
I mean you are talking Tron and Neo that are long term projects that really have no current wide spread use case, having such massive market caps, while you didnt mention that Steem has a use case, and has SMTs in the works that have the potential to instantly change the face of the internet in the short term....

Now contrast that to Tau...
The fact of the matter is: The market is stupid. Short term Steem potential, massive-250mil market cap.... Tau long term potential, massive-?market cap
Thats why i say we wait.
If the markets cant understand the potential of Steem then they sure as hell cant understand Tau.

Steem has been promising communities since late 2016 and SMTs since 2017 if I remember right. These things take a long time even for Steem.

What I'm saying is that while Steem is like Reddit, Tauchain is going to be like Google+Facebook. It's going to have social features as well but only much much better technology than that which powers Steem.

If you want you can compare Tauchain to EOS but even that would be unfair. Nothing else exists in the crypto space which is similar to Tauchain tech. So truth is Tauchain should be 1 billion market cap if we go on tech. I am conservative because I know community is what matters not the tech.

So while Tauchain has novel tech it still has to develop a community around it which I think it can do but it takes time. So I compared it to Lisk, which is where I think the market cap could and should land in the next few months based on community. If the tech works then things can grow very fast to the Tezos level in terms of market cap.

Tezos with all it's legal problems is still nearly a billion dollar market cap. Why? On novel technology alone really. Btw I agree the market doesn't make sense. Steem should be over a billion market cap but you are right the market seems to think long term on one hand but then speculators are focused only on short term.

Well said the last sentence.

I will also say if the price of AGRS does dump to really cheap then I can't wait to buy it. Under $1 seems to be like a deal and if it gets to 50 cents again like it was in 2017 I would think it's undervalued because of the progress made on the code base.

At 50 cents it's cheap enough to use dollar cost averaging to buy some each week.

Well in the long term you might be right, the problem is that people, that support projects like that dont like seeing red, no matter how sure they are, for an extended period of time. Just go back to Steem at 3usd months after launch and seeing 0.07 months later....

The difference is Steem was already released as a product (beta) when this happened. Tauchain beta isn't released yet so people have some reason to hold on the roadmap rather than sell before seeing what they actually bought.

Total speculators might sell but there was a better time for speculators to do that. It's like why would a speculator choose now to sell Ethereum vs 6 months ago?

Maybe because Eth had its "moon" period and cant have any more noticeable gains outside the normal market trends?
A speculator is an opportunist and just like SMTs will make Steem have some market non specific gains in the short term imo and then a selloff before stabilization on a higher price but below ATH i assume same thing will happen with Tau once it starts trading extensively at the start.

I did some research. It will be very hard for people to sell through OKEX if they are US citizens. US citizens are specifically excluded. No reason is given by OKEX as to why because they have strict KYC even for non US citizens.

I think OKEX gives non US (mostly Asian) investors and speculators a chance to buy into AGRS at cheap prices.

This post turned out to be incorrect. BCEX is not the same company as OKEX.

This is both good and bad. Good because it means maybe US customers can use it but bad because the exchange is shady with almost no transparency about how it's run or who runs it or if it's regulated. It's an exchange but it doesn't seem to be the safest exchange and will like to see AGRS on more exchanges than BCEX.

BCEX does have good volume and is easily confused for OKEX.

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