我是纹身师gogo - Can’t you take the pain of tattoo?

in #tattoo7 years ago

By convention, the process of getting a tattoo done must be painful.
But I think this pain is also a part of the meanings of tattoos.
Of course, the pain is a normal phenomenon. But if the tattoo is correctly performed, the pain basically belongs to the range of pain that normal person can bear.


Everything needs to have a process. Perhaps because all these things which will be changed soon want to leave a little time for us to remain.
Just like a blank skin before tattoo is done.
It's possible that the outcome also seems valuable because of the hard process.
Just like going through the pain of tattoo experience, you will treasure your tattoo more afterwards.
If tattoos are made like stamps, which can easily be placed on body, how can we remember all those unforgettable meanings hidden in the tattoos.


Human nature is just like that: those things you can easily get, you would not cherish them later.
But if this something went through a hardest way to get, with much effort, that will have the largest value in the human heart.
So it is exactly like getting tattoos! If you want to have it, you gotta go through a proper course — pain!
Tattoos without painful process are just like patterns on the skin.
Cheers for all these tattoo process and the better tattoo world!




And lets talk about the pain in the tattoo process.
Lets't think about following questions while reading this article:

  1. Why tattoos are painful but there are still loads of people addicted to tattoos?
  2. Can the pain of tattoo obtaining ever be good for you?
  3. Would you like to have painless tattoo experience?




I wonder if you ever experienced such thing before.
You write a reminder as a little inspirational tips for yourself. Stick it on the refrigerator, stick it on your desk, or stick it at your door.
"No more smoking!" "Eat less snacks!" "Remember to do the dishes!" " "Write interesting Steemit article every day!"

At first, perhaps you are full of passion for these reminders, these words on the notepaper really make you remember few things for a few days. However, maybe after a long time, you start to ignore these tips naturally, because you have used to them.

Same with tattoos.




In the process of thinking about whether you want a tattoo or not, there are lots of complicated mental activities, and once this thinking behavior is over, your tattoo might also turn into a note on the refrigerator.
As the fresh feeling of new tattoos fades, the ability of tattoo which can be used to remind yourself is getting weaker and weaker. Eventually, it become a habit which you are used to.

This is why there are a lot of clients claimed that they "fear to lose interest in their own tattoos. Scared to get a tattoo."
Because they assume that this pattern might soon become less important.


But gogo.tattoo Official Steemit praises tattoos with real meanings, not just patterns.


Some clients just want to experience the process of tattoo pain, and through experience achieve some psychological needs.



But some clients who want to be self-motivated claim that tattoos can make them be "more special"; for human instincts, tattoos can also be used to prove that "I'm different".



Some clients want to use tattoos to show their expectations of what has happened or what has not happened, or use it to warn themselves. It is "the desire to record an experience".



In most cases, getting tattoos is a collection of psychological needs, such as breaking up with your ex and wanting to get a tattoo.



This process of satisfying psychological needs begins with the idea of "I want to have a tattoo", reaching its peak at the end of the tattoo process, and ending slowly after the recovery.


There are countless topics to discuss around the "pain of tattoo experience".
Briefly, the following points can be summarized:

1.满足感 Gratification



Medical research has shown that pain can let your brain produce endorphin to cause mild excitement, then you will gain physiological pleasure and satisfaction. This is one of the reasons of the tattoo addiction, but it is also one of the reasons people do self harm or sadomasochism. The point is that you can get a good physical feeling through pain.
And it's really a special kind of satisfaction.


2.知觉 Perception



The combination of satisfaction and pain reinforces, making tattoo wearers experience a strong feeling of "alive" while amplifying the sense of "living".
I have experienced some psychological problems, but if you are in the state of satisfied with your current life and having a good health, you may not notice the difference of "clearly feeling alive" and "self affirmation", and they are both born as the pursuit of the state of our human kind. For those who suffered or those who are still suffering, perception of "alive" and "existence" is strongly necessary, even like tattoo experience which just with a slight dose of perceived satisfaction experience, but for people who want to experience life it is a great encouragement.


3.转移注意力 Divert attention


Transfer mental anguish through physical pain. What's important about this is that the pain in the tattoo experience is completely moderated and controllable.


4.发泄 Abreast


Vent the pressure of being unable to speak and release emotion.




If I say that tattoos have some kind of healing significance, then the pain experience is one of the most powerful point of it.
I am not saying that we should be cured only when our mental health is poor to the point to do self-harm.
I mean all of us living in this world feel the sufferings all these frustrations at all times. If they are not fully transformed into power, they will need to be released in some way. Singing, exercise, socializing, etc all playing a healing role.

The above point of view is intended to prove that tattoo pain can be an adjunct to psychological therapy.
Here I collected some sentences from my tattoo clients: "the recent life is not good, so I want to make a tattoo" "My skin itch, would like to get some ink"
Above points also explained some of the motives why the sentences claimed like this, explaining why we want to suffer pain.
This is only the beginning, and in the future, 【我是纹身师gogo】will explore more about the healing significance of tattoo behavior.






There are also some painless tattoo services near our studio.
With the developed technology, painless tattoos, of course, exist. "Painless" has become a selling point for some tattoo shops, but we still insist on "no anesthetic".
These tattoos are in the epidermis deposited anesthetic. Some creams can calm the skin surface, and some tattoo shops who collaborate with hospitals even use injection anesthesia.

First of all, I'm not sure what the ingredients in the anesthetics are, and what's more important, I'm not sure if they're safe.
Secondly, the skin which applied anesthetic is not only hard to color, but also affects the visual effects of healed tattoo. When the skin is filled with anesthetic with at least 20%, the pigment can only occupy 80% of the skin at most, and after recovery, the overall color will be lighter to 80%. The tattoo which could be fine for decades will seem to have wane through the vicissitudes of life if you apply anesthesia.

For all these reasons, first of all, the most important thing is that it is important to experience the painful process of tattooing. For us, tattooing is not just about trading, it's about giving meaning. After using the anesthetic, you don't know how the tattoo got on your skin. If it's like a sticker. What's the point?

You can be bold enough to try the full pleasure of tattooing. You might be addicted to it.
(60% of my clients came back for the second tattoo)


Now, let me describe the pain in the tattoo process:


No matter where you get tattoos on your body, no matter the size of the tattoo. No matter if it is coloring, shading or just lining, tattoo process is pain.

Principle of tattoos is to use needle and pigment to pierce into epidermis of your skin. Maybe it seems like just a tattoo line, but that line is make in a speed of dozens of pierce per second by a tattoo machine. It contains maybe thousands of little dots.



To make a line or to color is different kind of pain...
Although the circular needle for linings just contact a small area on skin, it also makes that small piece of skin suffer a greater pressure.
Coloring or shading using a wider needle to contact more area, it can broke a large piece of skin, it is very painful.




But regardless if it is lining or shading, basically the lighter the color, the more painful the tattoo will feel.
For example, white color. The lighter the pigment, the bigger the particle.

The most painful areas are on the medial skin, such as the inner thighs, the inner arm, the waist or some delicate skin on your body.
And these areas where the bones are distinct also could feel extreme pain during getting tattoos. These are mainly characterized by subcutaneous fat or less muscle.





Tattoo artist is also the key to pain.
If you are bad at taking pain, but you still want a tattoo, as a tattoo artist, my advice is:
Don't resist it. Don't strain your muscles when the needle touches you. Just relax the muscles and take the pain, so that the pain can directly reduce on several levels.
You can also stare at the needle when you are getting inked. The scientific experiment proved that human body will double the pain perception for pain from unknown sources. So if you look at the needle while been tattooed, the brain will be aware that the pain is just from the tattoo machine, so that you won't feel that much pain.

So, when you get ink, try to observe the needle and relax your muscles, and then you can hold on longer!


I personally think this is the best tattoo pain map all over internet:



Tattoos really don't hurt as much as you think. You can believe yourself that this pain is something you can take, just relax.
Since we are tattoo lovers, just be bold and experience it!

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@bradpit good luck tomorrow buddy :)

No pain, No gain~! It was so nice to see your basic philosophy about meaningful tattoo. Take care~ :D

Very basic, you think? ;-)

Yes, also very important. I think you are not doing just for making money but making meaning to your clients and yourself. Nice! :D

Will see this as a sign to learn more philosophy for explaining how meaningful tattoos are and how important we tattoo artists are.
Hope to see your common in my next article. :)

Got it~ See ya~ ^^

upvoted, thanks for what you are doing ☺

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