Beureunun Solo Meatballs, Savory and Delicious

in #tasteem5 years ago


Meatball lovers must come here. There is a Beureunu Solo Meatballs with a filling of meatballs and a generous tender ribs. As lovers of meatballs, we are always open to recommendations for places to eat delicious meatballs. What many are called by our friends, one of which is Beureunun Solo Meatballs located on the Banda Aceh - Medan road.

Image source

Just like the other meatballs here, the color of the meatballs is classified as dark chocolate. I suspect because Beureunun's solo meatballs use more meat in the batter batter. The sauce is also very special. It is typical of the meat with a murky brown color. Also seen is a sprinkling of leeks and fried onions.


The texture of the bakso is also very tender with a taste of meat that is 'kicking'. I think the tenderness is right so that the delicious meatballs are eaten. For lovers of tennis meatballs.

In Beureunun's solo meatball restaurant there are also various fresh drinks such as ice mix, fruit ice, sweet tea and various types of syrup.

Restaurant Information

Bakso Solo Beureunun
Jl. Lintas Sumatra, Jojo, Mutiara Tim., Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh 24186, Indonesia

Beureunun Solo Meatballs, Savory and Delicious
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Wahh yayan mkn2 mll nih..😁😁

Yayan ga ikut kontes ark lg..😊

Yang kemaren gak sempat ikut @maryamalda karena ada kegiatan di luar

Ohh sibuk diluar ya..😊

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