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RE: Klang Town Durian Station.

in #tasteem5 years ago


I miss durian soooo much

last week, we were in Vancouver, the majority of this city are Asians, believe it or not...supposedly the Caucasian Canadians always feel like they are not in Canada anymore whenever they visit Vancouver haha....anyhoo....soooo many durians, but it was our last day in Vancouver and we had to head to the airport in half hour, so we couldnt get any.

My oldest son said, mommy, I really want durian, like you know, it's been too long. And it broke my heart, but we just couldnt get :-/


How about the area you are staying?? I wish I can send to you, it's so cheap now!

none here :(

there are only (maybe) 7 Indonesians right in town, some more live further, tons of Filipino but they dont seem to really like durian or know durian much. The rest are Indians. They know jackfruit, but not so much for durian.

No Asian stores like in big cities :-/ so no durian haha

Ahhh... too bad!!

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