Cheap and Fabulous?  Totally possible: Café Central (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #tasteem5 years ago


The best sweet potato chips on the island

Today I have a real insider tip that is also central.
Café Central is located right in the heart of Ponta Delgada. It is established in a bright yellow old building, with many seating possibilities in the outside area, that everyone has the old church and the market area in front of the eyes.

The brilliant thing is that the prices here are fantastically good.
There is something on offer for all price categories. Although the location does not offer an alternative to milk for coffee, there are some vegetarian and vegan dishes.

A friend of mine wanted to meet me there. Said and done. At the evening hour we met at this location.
I never was there before and because I wanted to see as most as possible from the island I join the meeting.
After a look in the menu it was clear for me that it should be sweet potatoes!
I love sweet potatoes.
Café Central has sweet potato chips at a very reasonable price and I tell you:

Simply delicious and tasty.
Both crispy outside and a little juicy in the middle.
I also ordered an Americano (extended espresso coffee). My friends ordered a lemonade and a chocolate drink.
The nice thing about the chocolate drink is that it was made with real melted chocolate.
Since the location was extremely crowded, I couldn't take any pictures from the outside. But the sweet potato chips were my inspiration and were in the center of the (photo) action...

Bon appetite, stay tasty!

Text and Photos made by myself.

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As melhores batatas fritas de batata doce da ilha

Hoje tenho uma verdadeira dica privilegiada que também é central.
O Café Central está localizado mesmo no coração de Ponta Delgada. É estabelecido em um edifício amarelo brilhante velho, com muitas possibilidades de assentos na área externa, que todos têm a igreja velha e a área de mercado na frente dos olhos.

A coisa brilhante é que os preços aqui são fantasticamente bons.
Há algo em oferta para todas as categorias de preços. Embora a localização não ofereça uma alternativa ao leite para café, existem alguns pratos vegetarianos e veganos.

Um amigo meu queria me encontrar lá. Dito e feito. Na hora da noite nos encontramos neste local.
Eu nunca estive lá antes e porque eu queria ver o máximo possível da ilha, eu participo da reunião.
Depois de um olhar no menu, ficou claro para mim que deveria ser batata doce!
Adoro batata doce.
O Café Central tem batatas fritas de batata doce a um preço muito razoável e digo-vos:

Simplesmente delicioso e saboroso.
Tanto crocante lá fora como um pouco suculento no meio.
Eu também pedi um Americano (café espresso estendido). Meus amigos pediram uma limonada e uma bebida de chocolate.
A coisa boa sobre a bebida de chocolate é que ela foi feita com chocolate derretido real.
Como o local estava extremamente lotado, não pude tirar fotos do lado de fora. Mas as batatas fritas eram a minha inspiração e estavam no centro da ação (foto)....

Bom apetite

Texto e fotos feitas por mim.

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Die besten Süßkartoffel Chips auf der Insel

Heute habe ich einen wahren Geheimtipp der wirklich Zentral liegt.
Das Café Central ist direkt im Herzen Ponta Delgadas zu finden. Es ist in einem strahlend gelben Altbau etabliert, mit vielen Sitzmöglichkeiten im Außenbereich, dass das man die alte Kirche und den Marktbereich vor Augen hat.

Das geniale ist, dass die Preise hier wirklich gut sind.
Es ist für alle Preisklassen etwas im Angebot. Zwar bietet die location keine Alternative Milch für den Kaffee an, doch gibt es einige vegetarische und vegane Speisen.

Eine Freundin wollte sich mit mir dort treffen. Gesagt getan. Zur abendlichen Stunde trafen wir uns dort.
Nach einen Blick in die Speisekarte stand für mich fest, es sollen Süßkartoffel sein!
Ich liebe Süßkartoffel.
Das Café Central hat Süßkartoffel Chips zu einem sehr günstigen Preis zu bieten und ich sage euch:

Einfach delikat und schmackhaft.
Sowohl kross als auch etwas saftig in der Mitte.
Dazu bestellte ich mir einen Americano (verlängerten Espresso Kaffee). Meine Freunde bestellten sich eine Zitronenlimonade und einen Schokoladen Trunk.
Das schöne am Schokoladen Getränk ist, dieser wurde mit richtiger, geschmolzener Schokolade gemacht.
Da die Location extrem voll war, konnte ich keine Fotos von aussen machen. Doch die Süßkartoffel Chips waren meine Muse und standen im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens...

Bon Appetit

Text und Bilder von mir gemacht.

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Restaurant Information

Café Central
Largo da Matriz 12, 9500-094 Ponta Delgada, Portugal

Cheap and Fabulous? Totally possible: Café Central (ENG/ PT/ DE)
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Cheap and Fabulous? Totally possible!

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I like your reviews.
I've already said?
Sweet potato chips look very good :)

The dipped chip made it look so fantastic. THanks for sharing this with us and have a great day!

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Thank you for entering our <Cheap and Fabulous? Totally possible!> Contest . Thanks to @lotusfleur, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!

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