❤️ Be my valentines 💓:  surfer's break somewhere in nowhere (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #tasteem5 years ago


Road Trip Portugal

On our short road trip through Portugal we took some stops of course.
In the peacefully and calm fishing village "Porto Covo" we made a break and treated ourselves to some sweet yummy delicious.
The café "Prime" is more of an ice cream parlour, but they also have coffee and cake there and I had to try some cake.

And what could be nicer than to treat yourself to something fine, cute and sweet with the dear ones on Valentine's Day in a beautiful atmosphere? Nothing.

The prices here are expensive, compared to most other cafés, but it was delicious. A Pastel Nata and a Tarte Amendoa (almond cake) cost here already 3,70 € together. Normally, a Pastel Nata costs 1 € and a piece of cake always costs between 1,50-2 €, just for comparison.

But therefore, the café is well located, right in the place and easily accessible for the tourists. There is also WiFi, which is not always the case. It takes only 5 minutes to get to the beach and the surf spot, which is also very practical.
Who like us should be on the journey through can stop there quickly and deliciously.

Bon appetit and stay tasty.
Text and pictures made by myself.

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Viagem de Portugal

Na nossa curta viagem por Portugal, fizemos algumas paragens, é claro.
Na pacata e calma aldeia piscatória "Porto Covo" fizemos uma pausa e tratámo-nos de uma deliciosa e doce delícia.
O café "Prime" é mais uma geladaria, mas eles também têm lá café e bolo e eu tive que provar um pouco de bolo.

E o que poderia ser melhor do que tratar-se de algo fino, bonito e doce com os queridos no dia de São Valentim, numa bela atmosfera? Nada.

Os preços aqui são caros, em comparação com a maioria dos outros cafés, mas era delicioso. Um Pastel Nata e um Tarte Amendoa (bolo de amêndoa) já custam aqui 3,70 euros juntos. Normalmente, um Pastel Nata custa 1 euro e um pedaço de bolo custa sempre entre 1,50-2 euros, apenas para comparação.

Mas, portanto, o café está bem localizado, bem no local e de fácil acesso para os turistas. Há também o WiFi, o que nem sempre é o caso. Leva apenas 5 minutos para chegar à praia e ao local do surf, o que também é muito prático.
Quem como nós deve estar na viagem pode parar lá rapidamente e deliciosamente.

Bom apetite e fique saboros.
Texto e fotos feitas por mim.

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Road Trip Portugal

So, auf unserem kleinen Road Trip durch Portugal hielten wir natürlich auch mal an.
Im verschlafenen Fischerdorf "Porto Covo" machten wir einen Stop und gönnten uns ein paar süsse Leckereien.
Und was gibt es schöneres als zum Valentinstag mit den lieben in schöner Atmosphäre sich was feines zu gönnen? Na nichts.
Das Café "Prime" ist eher eine Eisdiele, doch haben diese dort auch Kaffee und Kuchen und bei Kuchen muss ich halt probieren.

Die Preise hier sind teuer, im Vergleich zu den meisten anderen Cafés, doch lecker war es allemal. Ein Pastel Nata und ein Tarte Amendola (Mandel Kuchen) kosteten hier schon 3,70 € zusammen. Normalerweise kostet ein Pastel Nata 1€ und ein Stück Kuchen immer zwischen 1,50-2 €, nur als Vergleich.

Doch dafür ist das Café gut gelegen, direkt im Ort und für die Touristen leicht erreichbar. Ebenfalls hat man WiFi hier, was sonst nicht immer der Fall ist. Man brauch auch nur 5 Minuten runter zum Strand und somit zum surf spot, was ebenfalls wieder sehr praktisch ist.
Wer wie wir mal auf der Durchreise sein sollte kann dort schnell und lecker mal einkehren.

Bon Appetit und bleibt lecker.
Fotos und Text von mir gemacht.

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Restaurant Information

Porto Covo, 7520-437, Portugal

❤️ Be my valentines 💓: surfer's break somewhere in nowhere (ENG/ PT/ DE)
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Be my Valentines ❤️

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Mmm I haven't ate a Pastel de nata since I was in Portugal. Now I am craving one :) Cheers and happy eating!

Should I sent you some. LOL. But I think they are not good anymore when they arrive 😅

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